Current in News

Deepfakes now a political weapon in the Ukrainian war

Deepfakes now a political weapon in the Ukrainian war

The use of deepfakes in politics has insofar been rare. But in the last week, two deepfakes related to the war in Ukraine have emerged online. Just days ago, a doctored video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy began making rounds on social media. It also found its way onto a local live news channel and website after being uploaded by hackers. Over the minute long video, Ukraine’s President appears to tell...

By London, UK
New research suggests fungi may be communicating with ‘words’

New research suggests fungi may be communicating with ‘words’

As if they weren’t magical enough, scientists have discovered that mushrooms are potentially talking to each other using a bountiful vocabulary which bears a striking structural similarity to human speech. If you aren’t a stranger to my writing, by now I’m sure you’re well aware of my deep-rooted obsession with all thing’s mycelium, my fascination towards which recently peaked after seeing the incredible Fantastic Fungi documentary on...

By London, UK
Ukraine moves to digitally preserve its national landmarks

Ukraine moves to digitally preserve its national landmarks

Amid the continued conflict with Russia, Ukraine is moving to digitally preserve its national landmarks in case of potential damage or destruction. Crowdsourced Polycam scans are helping to build detailed renderings for future restorations. Crowdsourced material is becoming increasingly important for Ukrainians amid Russia’s invasion. Some of those who’ve remained within conflict areas, whether by choice or force, have been documenting events on a daily basis in the hope that the...

By London, UK
Asteroid mining start-up to raise funds through NFTs

Asteroid mining start-up to raise funds through NFTs

There are several ambitious space initiatives in the works as we speak, and many of them have one thing common: they’re attempting to raise seed funding through NFTs. ExLabs hopes a crypto injection will facilitate its asteroid mining explorations. Since the turn of the year, a host of space start-ups have jumped on the NFT bandwagon to raise money in novel ways. We’ve had MoonDAO, which wants to go from...

By London, UK