Current in The Common Thred

new year + new trends

new year + new trends

didn't see this one coming Happy new year to each and every one of you! I’ve been in Bermuda the last few weeks, spending the holidays with family and friends, which is why you might’ve noticed these e-mails coming in later than usual. The next time I write to you, I’ll...

not your average ins + outs list

not your average ins + outs list

Here we are… the final day of the 2024. In the middle of this year, the Thred writers decided to embark on our Substack journey. We had no idea what we were getting into, nor did we anticipate how much we’d love it, but each of these unpredictable factors made it all the more exciting. Through our Tuesday newsletter and weekend Wildcard posts, we’ve been able to show you a different,...

By London, UK
this is not a gift + guide

this is not a gift + guide

uninterested in boxing myself in (pun fully intended) Hello my winter sunshine, my hot cocoa by the fire. It’s around that time where we all start breaking up for the holidays and I don’t know about you, but the prospect of that feels both exciting and much-needed! Hopefully you’ve all got some lovely plans to look forward to in the coming weeks. To carry us over until then, this weekly newsletter is...

By London, UK
‘v’ is for vigilante + vendetta

‘v’ is for vigilante + vendetta

the internet is not-so-divided over this murderous ivy leaguer Hello to all of you wonderful people 💞 Global news during this last week has been especially wild, from the murder of a healthcare company’s CEO in NYC, to intense rebel activity in Syria, and ongoing political instability in South Korea. With the latest edition of our newsletter, I hope to shed a little bit of light on your week. This week...

By London, UK
perfume snobs + streetwear’s end

perfume snobs + streetwear’s end

styling and profiling to start the month Happy December to you all! We’re starting this month off strong with a newsletter touching on tech nostalgia, climate change consequences, and the death of streetwear. As usual, there’s more than than that to come. Let’s dive in! 💿 Tech talk We’re all suffering from ‘qualitynesia’ now – financial times In simplifying the way we consume media with the aim of improving convenience (streaming literally everything) we’ve...

By London, UK