Current in Gaming

Xbox’s Game Pass obsession has changed the game

Xbox’s Game Pass obsession has changed the game

Xbox’s Game Showcase is being lauded as its best in close to a decade. More significant, is the fact that the majority of its offering is coming to Game Pass on day one. Microsoft’s vision of making gaming primarily subscription-based is finally taking hold. Who saw that coming? My TV almost caught fire. There were rumblings that Xbox had big plans for its Xbox Showcase 2024, which took place over the...

By London, UK
I tested the iPhone’s new PS1 emulator Gamma

I tested the iPhone’s new PS1 emulator Gamma

Nostalgia merchants rejoice. A developer named ZodTTD has created a PlayStation 1 emulator available for free on the iOS App Store. Do you yearn for the polygon-filled primitive days of Diablo, Banjo-Kazooie, and Spyro? If so, we’ve some good news, provided you have an iPhone or iPad. A developer called ZodTTD, who has a penchant for creating emulators of old programs and hardware, has just released β€˜Gamma’, a third-party app...

By London, UK
Touchless tech is a huge gaming accessibility upgrade

Touchless tech is a huge gaming accessibility upgrade

Accessibility to games for disabled people used to require expensive specialist equipment. Now, sophisticated – and free – applications like MotionInput are helping to make the hobby more equitable. Picking up a controller or a mouse is second nature to the majority of game enthusiasts, but there is a large community that sadly don’t have that option. In the UK, 66% of gamers with a disability or condition say they...

By London, UK
Is Currys Fortnite β€˜Trash Tycoon’ e-waste project genuine?

Is Currys Fortnite β€˜Trash Tycoon’ e-waste project genuine?

UK tech retailer Currys has collaborated with Epic Games’ Fortnite with its new β€˜Trash Tycoon’ gaming experience. Is it genuinely educational or is it corporate greenwashing for PR purposes? The UK’s largest technology retailer Currys has created a new β€˜video game experience’ within Epic Games’ Fortnite called β€˜Trash Tycoon.’ The game sees players run around a map that visually represents over 880 million unused and broken tech items currently being...

By London, UK