Current in Offbeat

Opinion – cringe is unavoidable, let’s embrace it

Opinion – cringe is unavoidable, let’s embrace it

Post-pandemic, we’ve entered the era of total surrender, ferality, and delusion. As we continue exchanging societal norms with unapologetic liberation, why not throw abandoning our feelings of embarrassment into the mix? Is it me, or does a new personality shift seem to be rearing its head almost every week since restrictions started easing and we somehow found ourselves in a post-pandemic world? It isn’t all that surprising given how mentally...

By London, UK
Has the pandemic made us more aggressive?

Has the pandemic made us more aggressive?

Comedians, public workers, and university tutors have been reporting more aggressive and socially stunted behaviours since we returned to ‘normal’ life. Has the pandemic dented our ability to communicate effectively and appropriately? It seems some of us may have forgotten how to behave in public after multiple years of lockdowns and social restrictions. Comedian Nish Kumar has openly described his experiences with hecklers and social misconduct during his recent shows...

By Bristol, UK
What’s it like to live with synesthesia?

What’s it like to live with synesthesia?

Do you associate certain colours with numbers and letters, or see time as a colourful shape? You might have synesthesia – one of the most weird and wonderful neurological conditions.  When I was in my late teens, I asked my mother how she ‘saw a year’. In hindsight, this sounds rather bizarre, but at the time I was convinced I was asking a straightforward question. My mother’s bemused expression answered it...

By Brighton, UK
Dyson reveals air purifying headphones that block pollution

Dyson reveals air purifying headphones that block pollution

The vacuum company Dyson has just announced its new over-ear headphones that include an air-purifier for your mouth. A little dystopian, but a novel example of how we’ll need to adapt with a changing climate and world. Dyson has just unveiled a new set of headphones that include an air-purifying mouth visor. They allow users to listen to music on the go while also breathing in clean air. The nifty new...

By Bristol, UK