KFC is rolling out lab-produced chicken nuggets

KFC is rolling out lab-produced chicken nuggets

As part of its ‘Meat of the Future’ campaign, KFC is developing laboratory-produced chicken nuggets to roll out in 2020. As the food industry vies for a more regenerative and sustainable future, fast food chains are being pressured to meet growing demands for animal alternatives. On that front, KFC are...

Current in Companies

Coca Cola backs degradable plant-based bottles

Coca Cola backs degradable plant-based bottles

Despite saying it would make no immediate changes to plastic production earlier this year, Coca Cola has now announced it will be switching all plastic to plant-based bottles by 2023. I make it no secret around the office that Coca Cola’s advertisement campaigns in recent years have aggravated me to no end. Its emphasis on making ‘recyclable plastics’ and being environmentally conscious has never sat right with me, given that it...

By Bristol, UK
Understanding Gen Z and brand loyalty in 2020

Understanding Gen Z and brand loyalty in 2020

Companies looking to create long-lasting connections with younger consumers must respect personal data, provide quick, authentic services, and be transparent about their business operations. If you’re a business looking to tap into the ever growing market of young Generation Z shoppers, then you’re probably wondering how to go about doing so. By the end of this year young adults and teens will make up over 40% of all American consumers....

By Bristol, UK
Factory farming is an atrocity our generation must solve

Factory farming is an atrocity our generation must solve

Most of the earth’s sentient being lives and die on a production line. It’s time to think of a better way. In 2015, the now household name Yuval Noah Harari, historian, philosopher, and author of Sapiens, called industrial farming ‘one of the worst crimes in history’. Five years on, and though the number of people eating meat globally has declined in the west, the number...

By London, UK
#DrawFor: the new charity helping artists and key workers

#DrawFor: the new charity helping artists and key workers

Spun out of the coronavirus pandemic, DrawFor is a new non-profit organisation that’s giving back to NHS key workers through artist donations, and anyone can get involved. Do you fancy yourself as a bit of an up-and-coming artist? Have some work you’d like to share on social media? Would you also like to help the NHS in the process? If you’ve answered yes to all my tedious questions, then DrawFor...

By Bristol, UK