The continued threat of ‘swatting’ in 2022
Within streaming and gaming ‘swatting’ is largely regarded as the ultimate hoax. Since the infamous 2017 case of Tyler Barris, US states have attempted to stamp out the practice for good – though instances are still occurring in 2022. The gaming community can feel pretty toxic at times. If you’ve played...
Current in News
Scientific breakthrough cures memory loss in mice
Researchers at Stanford University are reversing symptoms of Alzheimer’s in mice using a strange tactic - they’re infusing elderly mice with spinal fluid from younger ones. Many medical breakthroughs that benefit humans are discovered by conducting trials on mice. Though we look nothing alike, almost all the genes found in mice...
Apple faces £768m lawsuit for allegedly ‘throttling’ older iPhones
Up to 25 million Britons who owned an older iPhone model in 2017 may be able to claim damages from Apple. A consumer champion claims the tech giant deliberately ruined phone performances to push buyers towards new devices. When it comes to our phone devices, somewhat ironically, we’re the ones...
These eco-zeppelins could help to clean up the aviation industry
A small Bedford-based tech start-up called Hybrid Air Vehicles has just sold 10 environmentally friendly airships to a Spanish airliner. Could this be the early knockings of a cleaner aviation industry?
As you’re no doubt aware by now, the aviation industry is a serious carbon emitter.
Reportedly responsible for around
The technology addressing the ocean’s carbon acidity problem
Carbon sequestration is largely deemed as a good thing for the climate, but our oceans are becoming more acidic with every metric ton stored. Here’s how technology is helping to balance that. Geoengineers continue searching for ways to sequester more of our atmosphere’s carbon within the ocean, but as with...
Seed-firing drones are now reversing deforestation
An Australian start up is using artificial intelligence, specially designed seed pods, and autonomous drones to reverse forest loss at record speed. Deforestation - whether human driven or natural - seriously disturbs wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and contributes to our changing climate. At least 85 percent of global deforestation has...
‘Power-Blox’ could provide clean energy to rural areas by 2030
They may look like giant LEGO bricks, but these ‘Power-Blox’ energy cubes provide portable electricity via solar panels. It’s hoped that they’ll be used to provide power to the world’s poorest regions. What if your regular LEGO brick could do more than just serve as a potential safety hazard for your feet? That’s the thinking behind ‘Power-Blox’, the energy cube that stores electricity via the power of the sun. Co-founder...
Grizzlies and polar bears are breeding thanks to climate change
Rising temperatures are simultaneously driving grizzly bears north and polar bears south, prompting interbreeding between both species. Conservationists are weighing up the possibility of controlling genetic adaption to help animals of the future cope with climate change. From time to time, it’s good to remind ourselves that climate change isn’t just an imminent threat to humanity. The ramifications of a warming world are constantly throwing delicate ecosystems off balance, and mother...
Europe’s first psychedelic drug trial firm opens in London
Clerkenwell Health aims to establish the UK as the heart of the commercial psychedelic research ecosystem, working closely with experts and drug developers around the world to tackle some of the most complex mental health conditions. After decades of demonisation and criminalisation, psychedelic drugs are being proved to have profound implications for a field that in recent decades has seen few pharmacological advancements. I’m talking, of course, about the treatment...
This browser extension counters climate anxiety and doom scrolling
If you download this irreverent browser extension, whenever you read a doom and gloom climate story, you’ll receive a small call to action accompanied by an amusing snarky comment. Finally, pop-ups we can get onboard with. As someone whose job it is to follow every minute detail of the existential crisis that is climate change, take it from me: doom scrolling can feel exhausting. Every morning you’re trawling through stories describing...