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not your average ins + outs list

Here we are… the final day of the 2024.

In the middle of this year, the Thred writers decided to embark on our Substack journey. We had no idea what we were getting into, nor did we anticipate how much we’d love it, but each of these unpredictable factors made it all the more exciting.

Through our Tuesday newsletter and weekend Wildcard posts, we’ve been able to show you a different, more personal side of the brilliant, funny, and wonderful people on our writing team. It’s been a blast curating the stories we find most interesting, pouring our hearts out onto the keyboard, or simply venting about life’s dramas and knowing we aren’t alone!

As the year comes to a close, I can’t help but feel like I need to write an ins and outs list… but with a special twist. I’ll be building a list of 25 items (for 2025 obviously) using themed content from our original website, from the common thred and our sister Substack, The Gen Zer.

If I can pull this off, then it’ll be safe to say this year has been a wild ride. Let’s go!



Most of all, I hope that everyone finds a way to feel more involved with their community on a local level.

The world is changing so quickly these days, and it’s easy to become hopeless and pessimistic when doomscrolling through the constant onslaught of tragic global news. Yes, being aware is important. But it’s important to look around and remember that there are good people in the world and that you can have a measurable positive impact on others around you, no matter where you are!

So, that’s it from me until the new year. Thank you so much for sticking with us throughout 2024, we can’t wait to see what the next 365 days will bring. 🎆

Wishing each and every one of you health, happiness, and more great times with loved ones.

Thanks for reading and make sure to subscribe for the latest news on Gen Z and youth culture. Also, don’t forget to check out The Gen Zer for a weekly roundup of more trending insights, stories, and discussions.

Until next time,
