YouTube bags rights to all Activision E-sports
As if it wasn’t big enough already, YouTube has just nabbed the rights to all Activision e-sports events including Call of Duty and Overwatch. Over the weekend YouTube secured its first major coup of 2020. The video sharing mecca revealed it’s signed an exclusive partnership with...
Current in News
Why it’s terrifying that Twitter is introducing stories
Social media’s most unique platform is dabbling in disappearing stories, giving politicians dangerous access to ephemerality. Twitter has been criticised by its shareholders for lagging behind its competitors for a while now. Investors have been calling for the resignation of its CEO, Jack Dorsey, alleging he’s been neglecting the...
Amazon removes fake Coronavirus ‘cures’ from site
Over one million products that claim to protect against the coronavirus or ‘cure’ the infection altogether have been pulled. Whenever there’s a global panic, you can bet that companies will find a way to capitalise on people’s fears before things get properly sorted out. The coronavirus has caused havoc on international...
Possible cancer killing cell discovered by Cardiff scientists
A new type of immune cell has been discovered that appears to make a beeline for most cancers. It’s difficult to report on breakthroughs in cancer research because it seems that every time a discovery hits the headlines it amounts to nothing. So I want to preface this by saying...
Ofcom to start policing social media sites
The UK’s broadcasting watchdog Ofcom, which regulates broadcasting and telecommunication services, will be given increased powers across social media. Plans for Ofcom’s social media powers and responsibilities will be unveiled within the next week as part of the UK government’s new draft legislation on online harm. The new rules will allow...