The beauty industry to bounce back faster than fashion post-pandemic
On course to surpass 2019’s sales levels this year, the global beauty industry is one step ahead of fashion, which isn’t expected to recover until 2022. Here’s how. According to McKinsey, the global beauty market is set to surpass 2019’s sales this year, despite pandemic-induced setbacks, while fashion is...
Current in Fashion + Beauty
The C-List is the first ever beauty platform for cancer patients
A first of its kind, C-List is host to advice, product recommendations, beauty tutorials, and a supportive online community for people diagnosed with cancer. Highlighting a lesser-known challenge faced by cancer patients, The C-List is an innovative new website giving those living with the disease the chance to shop ‘cancer-kinder’...
Thirteen Lune: the ‘one-stop-shop’ for BIPOC-founded beauty
More than just a retail platform, the new shopping experience is a way to create financial parity and reframe how Black and Brown-owned beauty brands are perceived. According to a 2018 Nielson report, Black consumers are likely to spend nine times more on beauty products than any other group. Despite...
Ocean waste has found its way into haute couture
At the helm of fashion’s reset period, designer Iris van Herpen has unveiled a haute couture dress made entirely from plastic fabric produced by Parley for the Oceans. Neither tradition nor a global pandemic can hinder progress it seems. Yet another step forward amid fashion’s moment of reckoning (brought about...
New law prohibits influencers from using ‘misleading’ beauty filters
The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that social media influencers must now disclose when they use ‘misleading’ beauty filters on sponsored posts. Ever since ‘fake aesthetic’ filters began flooding our Instagram feeds in early 2019 they’ve become common place, so much so that you may not even realise you’re...
Stella McCartney’s latest collection puts people and planet first
The designer's latest sustainable, vegan activewear collection is made from recycled plastic, an ode to the next generation's environmentally and socially conscious youth. ‘I am continuously inspired by the world around us, and the people within it who are taking a stand for their communities and planet,’ says Stella McCartney...
Beauty brands turn to blockchain to boost consumer confidence
With transparency an urgent new focus for the industry, blockchain technology is being used by brands to lift the lid on false claims and ultimately change the way we shop. If you don’t know what blockchain is, it’s an incorruptible system of recording information that makes it near-impossible to change, hack, or cheat what’s been inputted. Amid growing scrutiny that the beauty industry isn’t nearly as transparent as it should be,...
How new app Sojo is creating a circular fashion system for lockdown
Sojo is a brand-new app connecting users with local seamster companies through a pick-up/delivery service, creating a fresh circular fashion system during lockdown. While the pandemic has given the style-obsessed an opportunity to take a look at their existing wardrobes with a fresh pair of eyes, it hasn’t allowed us to get well-worn clothes mended, altered, and tailored professionally. Regardless of how closely you follow DIY TikTok customisation videos currently surging...
Is vegan beauty set to hit the mainstream?
With participation in Veganuary at an all-time high this year, beauty industry giants and small cosmetics businesses alike are foregoing animal products more than ever before. Just two weeks into January, and #Veganuary2021 has already amassed a whopping 53K hits on Instagram, and almost five million views on TikTok. The eco-conscious movement, which sees non-vegans ditch animal products from their diets for the first month of the year, is growing...
Bleach London unveils plastic-free hair dye
The already-environmentally conscious brand has just launched the world's first plastic-free hair dye, a monumental step towards the future of a wholly sustainable personal care industry. A favourite among those of us obsessed with changing our hair colour as frequently as the TikTok trends encouraging us to do so seem to come and go, BLEACH is the OG of vibrant dyes. What started as a single salon in East London touted...