Exclusive – How Gen Z for Change is eliminating barriers to action
We spoke with ‘Gen Z for Change’ founder Aidan Kohn-Murphy about the ways in which his youth-led, non-profit organisation is leveraging social media to create exponential impact driven by digital natives. For many, the term ‘digital natives’ is synonymous with Gen Z. Referring to the cohort’s innate understanding of technology and...
Current in Exclusives
Exclusive – Sophia Kianni on why knowledge is key to climate justice
Gen Z activist Sophia Kianni founded Climate Cardinals; a non-profit organisation dedicated to closing the climate translation gap. She believes that education is the most valuable tool in the fight to safeguard our planet’s future. At just 20 years old, Sophia Kianni is both the youngest member on the...
Exclusive – Rebecca Cappelli explores fashion’s animal problem
We spoke with award-winning filmmaker and dedicated animal rights activist Rebecca Cappelli about the far-reaching culture shift she hopes to bring about with her latest documentary, Slay. Every year, billions of animals are killed so that their fur, wool, and skin can be passed on to the fashion industry. Lining...
Exclusive – Jerome Foster and Elijah McKenzie-Jackson talk intersectional activism
The Gen Zers have dedicated their lives to mobilising young people into action. I spoke with them about the many facets of taking a stand against social and environmental injustice. When it comes to the unified fight against our current climate crisis, Jerome Foster and Elijah McKenzie-Jackson are a...
Exclusive – Chatting to ‘Miss Fat Kid’ Monica Hudson
Miss Fat Kid, also known as Monica Hudson, has been a one woman-team running her own jewellery business, Moonshine Spectrum, for the last couple of years. Telling me about her new endeavour, The Fat Kid, we discuss the body positivity movement, medical discrimination, and The Devil Wears Prada. Monica did...
Exclusive – Cassie Quinn encourages a holistic approach to fashion
The founder of a fashion research studio that focuses on using regenerative materials and systems of production believes that new innovations can only bring about change if we educate society about why they’re necessary. We spoke with her about the work she’s doing to achieve this. ‘It’s no longer enough...
Exclusive – Meet Christina Adane, the Gen Z activist fighting food poverty
I spoke with the 18-year-old next-generation leader about her tireless work to achieve meaningful change in a world where all young people deserve the opportunity to be healthy. Long before Marcus Rashford brought the UK’s child hunger crisis to global attention, with his open letter to Boris Johnson challenging the government's deprivation of free school meals to 1.2 million youth,
Exclusive – Six climate activists give us the scoop on COP26
If this year’s COP summit taught us anything, it’s that young people are the key to climate justice. For this reason, we asked a collection of changemakers about their expectations, concerns, and takeaways before, during, and after the event. Today’s youth are the least to blame for the climate crisis, given they’ve been around for less than two decades. Without drastic changes, however, they will be the ones left...
Exclusive – Gen Zer Brian Femminella is in the vanguard of social impact
Fuelled by a dedication to serve others, Gen Z entrepreneur Brian Femminella founded SoundMind, a company combining the power of music therapy with technology to help those suffering from trauma, anxiety, and depression. ‘My niche seems to be doing something that immediately assists the public in one way or another,’ says Brian Femminella. A Gen Z entrepreneur at just 21-years-old, Brian has a profound understanding of mental health and feels an...
Exclusive – Discussing the ‘gender play gap’ with Stefani Nurding
The skateboarder is shaking up the outdated preconceptions of an inherently male-dominated sport. We spoke with her on the importance of reclaiming femininity in skating, working towards a more inclusive athletic community, and improving the visibility of women who choose to compete. Nowadays, though female athletes are undeniably more visible and increasingly successful, the male-dominated sport industry continues to fail them. You only need to think back to Osaka’s withdrawal from...