Current in Culture

Mental health metaphors ‘doubled’ in hip-hop over last 20 years

Mental health metaphors ‘doubled’ in hip-hop over last 20 years

New research shows popular hip-hop and rap songs of this century reference mental health and suicide twice as much as older tracks. It’s the result of a long and steady cultural shift. Anxiety, mental health, and suicide have become more prominent themes in the most popular rap songs of the last two decades, according to a new report from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Researchers analysed...

By Bristol, UK
The anonymous French outfit debunking anti-vax theories online

The anonymous French outfit debunking anti-vax theories online

With the world on the cusp of finally beginning to administer a viable Covid-19 vaccine, an anonymous French collective is rooting out ‘the very worst’ anti-vax sentiments on social media. If you thought anti-vax demonstrations in London and California were bad, France is by definition the most vaccine-sceptical nation on the planet, with as many as 1 in 3 believing immunisation to be dangerous or unsafe. In 2017, mandatory vaccines...

By London, UK
Coach’s latest collection honours classic US pop culture

Coach’s latest collection honours classic US pop culture

The NY-based label is aiming to uplift in these trying times with a collaboration between Disney and Keith Haring, one of the most influential artists of the 1980s. A testament to American pop culture, Coach’s latest capsule collection sees an unexpected collaboration between world-beloved Disney and 80s art-icon Keith Haring. Providing us with some much-needed emotional relief amid widespread uncertainty, intermittent lockdowns, and the inevitable doom scrolling...

By London, UK
Nine year-old Ryan Kaji leads YouTube’s top earners for 2020

Nine year-old Ryan Kaji leads YouTube’s top earners for 2020

Ryan Kaji, nine, has once again topped the charts of YouTube’s biggest earners, with toy unboxing and games review videos raking in close to $30 million for the child influencer. It’s time for our annual reminder that children are earning way more than us, and having more fun doing it too. Once you’re all done grinding your teeth and/or pondering your career choices, reconvene with us below and let’s get...

By London, UK