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The global crisis of illegal turtle trade

Recent arrests in Malaysia have drawn attention to the illegal turtle trade – a thriving black market industry worth billions that’s decimating vulnerable turtle populations to meet demand.

Earlier this month, Malaysian authorities apprehended six members of an international wildlife smuggling syndicate known as the ‘Ninja Turtle Gang.’

During the raid, they rescued approximately 200 turtles and tortoises, their total value exceeding $52,000.

This was the second of two recent operations, the first taking place in June of this year, during which 400 tortoises valued at $805,000 were rescued.

Of the species rescued, many are critically endangered, including the Chinese stripe-necked turtle, black pond turtle, snapping turtle, sulcata tortoise, leopard tortoise, and red-footed tortoise.

They are typically smuggled into Malaysia by road or hidden in suitcases on commercial flights, exploiting for profit the widespread belief throughout Asia that turtles and tortoises bring good luck and prosperity.

The prolific black market for turtles

Due to harvesting methods and trade practices, many of the turtles involved in the illegal trade are endangered species.

This is the case for red-eared sliders, wood turtles, and Blanding’s turtles, which are protected under international conservation agreements and are highly valued on the black market.

Interpol has listed the black market for illegal wildlife products to be worth up to $20 billion annually.

Because it’s so lucrative, poaching and trading often have roots in organised crime, ranging from armed violence to corruption.

In the market-specific turtle trade, just one of the sea creatures can easily fetch a price of up to $10,000, depending on the reptile’s rarity and physical characteristics.

Highlighting the impact of this, a report by the World Wildlife Fund has revealed that vertebrate animal populations have decreased significantly by 58% in half a century – the second-leading cause of this their exploitation.

The issue is particularly prevalent in South East Asia, with Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines spearheading the illegal trade of turtle and tortoise products.

From these countries, the products are smuggled into mainland China, Japan, and Taiwan, where demand is especially high.

It’s also an issue in Western nations, namely the US, which exported an estimated 127 million turtles between 2002 and 2012. Additionally, between 1998 and 2021, US officials intercepted the illegal trade of at least 24,000 freshwater turtles and tortoises from 34 native species.

The animals have various purposes, including being kept as pets, commercial breeding, meat consumption, being used for medical reasons, and for making products from their scutes.

As a result, illicit human activities have contributed to the 61% of 356 known turtle species that are at risk of going extinct or that have already done so.

What’s being done to address this?

The decline of turtle populations disrupts food webs and ecosystem functions, bringing about cascading repercussions for other species.

Turtles play a crucial role in seed dispersal, the creation of habitats, and nutrient cycling, so their loss is inevitably having a far reaching impact on wider ecosystems.

To confront this, the Convention on International Trade and Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is urging its parties to develop and update management plans, enhance monitoring, and improve law enforcement.

They are also encouraging the collection of DNA samples from seized species and bolstered cooperation to combat the illegal harvesting and trade of marine turtles.

As a regional hotspot, the ASEAN-Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) unites Southeast Asian countries to combat wildlife crimes, including illegal trade.

In collaboration with alliances like CITES and Interpol, as well as other organisations, it strengthens law enforcement, intelligence sharing, and efforts to reduce demand for illegally traded wildlife products.

In terms of Malaysia, the country is collaborating with its neighbours – Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam – to improve intergovernmental cooperation and crack down on the illegal trade of marine turtles in the Coral Triangle region.

This includes strengthening local and transboundary law enforcement efforts to prevent turtles from being poached and traded.

Time is ticking on the environmental clock as we rush to mitigate human-caused damages.

With this in mind, further studies on the impact of black market activities in the turtle trade are crucial as they will aid in identifying the scale of these activities and the effectiveness of current policies; allowing governments to make informed decisions and preventing further extinctions.
