Current in Tech

How to spot AI doctoring and deepfakes

How to spot AI doctoring and deepfakes

At this point we’re all aware that AI doctoring and deepfakes are everywhere. Confidently identifying instances of their use, however, isn’t always straightforward. AI has its mitts all over social media and the days of taking content immediately at face value are dying out. There are obvious and largely harmless examples...

Digital portal between Dublin and NYC shuts down after just one week

Digital portal between Dublin and NYC shuts down after just one week

This is why we can’t have nice things. What happens when a digital ‘portal’ is placed on the streets of Dublin and New York City with the aim of encouraging residents to connect and interact with each other through a live video stream? If you answered something along the lines of ‘a strengthened sense of humanity’s bond,’ bless your soul. The correct answer is debauchery, of course. Despite the good intentions of...

By London, UK
I tested the iPhone’s new PS1 emulator Gamma

I tested the iPhone’s new PS1 emulator Gamma

Nostalgia merchants rejoice. A developer named ZodTTD has created a PlayStation 1 emulator available for free on the iOS App Store. Do you yearn for the polygon-filled primitive days of Diablo, Banjo-Kazooie, and Spyro? If so, we’ve some good news, provided you have an iPhone or iPad. A developer called ZodTTD, who has a penchant for creating emulators of old programs and hardware, has just released ‘Gamma’, a third-party app...

By London, UK
Scientists theorise that the Earth may be an intelligent entity

Scientists theorise that the Earth may be an intelligent entity

Pointing to evidence that fungi is communicating underground to suggest that large-scale networks of life could ‘form a vast, invisible planetary intelligence,’ a group of astrobiologists are asking the thought-provoking question: if a planet like Earth can be ‘alive,’ can it also have a mind of its own? ‘Conventionally, intelligence is seen as a property of individuals. However, it is also known to be a property of collectives,’ reads the...

By London, UK
Microsoft seals record corporate purchase of green energy for AI

Microsoft seals record corporate purchase of green energy for AI

Eight times larger than the previous record, Microsoft has just purchased the most renewable energy in history for a single corporate entity in one deal. This will ensure its carbon negative plans aren’t derailed by upscaling AI projects. There are a few constants in life: death, taxes, and Microsoft chucking its weight around by making record financial acquisitions. The latest, at least, is a positive for the planet on this...

By London, UK