Is egg freezing really a golden ticket to delaying parenthood?
The option for women to freeze their eggs is now regularly recommended by doctors, promoted in popular culture, and marketed to the masses via social media advertisements. But should we be wary of depending on its success? A new world record was broken last month, with two twin babies born...
Current in Wellness
British doctors can now suggest surfing as a mental health remedy
Young people experiencing depression and anxiety will be prescribed surfing, roller skating, and dancing before being offered medication by doctors. Let’s face it, feelings of being stressed, burnt out, and sad are bound to pop up in our hyper-aware and overloaded era of modern life. Under these circumstances, the most tempting...
Does mindfulness work just as well as medication to curb anxiety?
New evidence suggests that daily meditation is as effective at treating restlessness, feelings of worry or dread, and sleep problems as a regularly prescribed antidepressant. Amid the ongoing mental health crisis, openly discussing how we’re feeling has never been more important. Fortunately, spaces encouraging conversation are becoming increasingly widespread. Improved dialogue...
Why aren’t we talking about Gen Z drug use?
New research shows that 1 in 3 young people have used drugs in the past 12 months. So why can’t we talk about it? Since the pandemic, the number of young people using drugs has spiked. According to The Mix, an organisation providing ‘essential support for under 25s’, 1...
Opinion – the heroin chic resurgence must be nipped in the bud
With nostalgia trends all the rage, nineties fashion has made a comeback. However, recent headlines touting thin as being ‘in’ again imply that so too has its toxic counterpart: the glorification of skinniness and the unhealthy behaviours necessary to achieve it. Although the popularisation of heroin chic occurred long before...
Opinion – We need to stop categorising unique traits as mental illness
According to popular online content, if you’re easily distracted, chatty, and energetic, you probably have ADHD. If you’re a little socially awkward and bothered by loud noises, perhaps you’re autistic. Why have we started demonising uniqueness to glamourise neurodivergence? And how is this damaging? It seems like every other week...
Should we normalise taking regular social media breaks?
Actor Tom Holland has announced he will be taking a break from social media for the sake of his mental health. Does his openness mark a turning point in our attitudes toward anxiety, depression, and the internet – particularly amongst young men? Celebrities announcing their withdrawal from Instagram and Twitter is nothing new. Especially when the hiatus is driven by a concern for mental health. But these very public admissions...
Spain launches ‘all bodies are beach bodies’ campaign
Launched by the Spanish government’s equality ministry, the campaign slogan reads ‘the summer is ours too’ and features women of varied sizes and skin tones sitting seaside. The body positivity movement has exploded on social media over the last decade, influencing millions and reshaping decisions made in major fashion shows and in marketing campaigns around the globe. First picking up traction in 2012, the goal is to promote the acceptance of...
Could outdoor swimming benefit our mental health?
Scientists in the UK have launched a study examining how immersion in cold, open water could work as an alternative option to medication for people with depression. If you’ve even a rudimentary understanding of mental health, likelihood is you’re familiar to the concept of going for walks to improve your wellbeing. Often recommended by medical professionals thanks to a strong body of evidence verifying the health benefits of connecting with...
When will we finally close the door on toxic body trends?
While the body positivity movement has never been stronger, an almost overnight rejection of the BBL trend signals that we haven’t completely let go of ever-changing standards for women’s bodies. Few things change faster than society’s view of the ideal woman’s body type, and despite ‘body trends’ being highly problematic, the constant ebb and flow of which shapes and sizes are deemed desirable remains a sad reality. A look at women...