Current in Style

How colourful post lockdown fashion is helping to boost our moods

How colourful post lockdown fashion is helping to boost our moods

It’s the question on the mind of fashion lovers around the world - can orange really be the new black? According to fashion psychologists, it already is. After spending the majority of the last year moping around in loungewear and PJs, many have emerged ready to experiment with their fashion this winter, and as it turns out, brands are here to support it. Bold colours made a healthy appearance on catwalks...

By London, UK
Beauty taps into the metaverse

Beauty taps into the metaverse

Blurring the boundaries between real and virtual, the future of the internet has already caught the attention of cosmetics brands determined to keep tech-savvy consumers interested. As in a large majority of sectors, the worlds of beauty and technology have collided at an accelerating pace during the last few years. Infused with the power of Silicon Valley, the global cosmetics market is now estimated to reach a staggering $650 billion...

By London, UK
Why is empathising with celebrity mental health issues so hard?

Why is empathising with celebrity mental health issues so hard?

Celebrities struggle with mental health problems too - but can their public disclosure ever be useful when so many find it hard to truly believe them? Stigma around mental health struggles is diminishing. Workplaces are starting to take it seriously, discussing the subject more openly, while online spaces are becoming rife with advice on how to cope. But opening up about depression or anxiety is still inherently difficult. It requires being...

By London, UK
The hashtag destigmatising mental health medication

The hashtag destigmatising mental health medication

#PostYourPill has been making the rounds on social media this month. What is this viral trend and how is it seeking to change the way we view antidepressants? In 2021, some may say that the mental health conversation is a double-edged sword. This is because while arguably more work has been done during the last twelve months to eliminate stigma than in recent decades, never before have so many of...

By London, UK