we’re doing way too much

we’re doing way too much

wtf is β€˜maxxing’ and why are we applying it to literally the most normal things? If you’ve been reading my musings, then you’ll know that I’ve been dedicating a good amount of time to bettering myself in recent years. But as much as I consider self-improvement a positive thing, as...

Current in Wildcard

angel vs. devil

angel vs. devil

if nothing matters, why bother? We make aroundΒ 45 million choicesΒ throughout our lifetime. Sometimes they’re good, sometimes they’re bad, and sometimes, they’re really,Β reallyΒ bad. But I’m willing to bet that most decisions we consider β€˜bad’ aren’t always enough to alter the course of our lives. Most β€˜bad...

the selfishness of self-discovery

the selfishness of self-discovery

is it an exercise in narcissism to work on yourself? For several years now, I’ve been deep in the trenches of personal growth. Embarking on this journey wasn’t deliberate, however. Back in 2020, when the world ground to a halt, I was suddenly confronted with more time to reflect than I knew...

the internet will take your opinion now

the internet will take your opinion now

everyone's a critic. Anytime I cook chicken for someone, I’m worried about killing them. I have a weird paranoia about accidentally giving people salmonella, even though this has never actually happened to me before. The worry persists even when I can see with both eyes that my chicken is cooked all the way through, and even though my doctor said I had 20/20 vision last time I got my eyes checked,...

By London, UK
bought a home & our generation is screwed

bought a home & our generation is screwed

i’m lucky and grateful for my unique set of circumstances – most others categorically don’t have, or just don’t fancy. I’m currently in the process of moving into my first flat in the UK, I’m rapidly approaching 30 and have a daughter to keep clean, dry, and fed. Ruby is the best thing that’s ever happened to me – marginally ahead of Manchester United’s 1999 treble – but I’m not going...

By London, UK
will I ever heal my relationship with my body?

will I ever heal my relationship with my body?

though I’d vehemently deny it if you ever brought it up, I cannot remember ever caring about my physical appearance in a way that could be considered β€˜healthy.’ I’ve always wondered what it would be like to look in the mirror and feel optimistic about what’s in front of me. Saying that, I strive to avoid my reflection at all costs these days, to ward off the chastising that otherwise runs...

By London, UK
sorry i’m late, i didn’t want to come

sorry i’m late, i didn’t want to come

i wonder what Carl Jung would think about this. β€œAre you introverted or extroverted?” asked my boyfriend’s childhood friend, taking a sip of his flat white. We’d been introduced only an hour before, which is maybe why this question made me feel more self-conscious than it should’ve. On the other hand, when people have always labelled you β€˜the life of the party’, how do you explain that you’re justΒ notΒ anymore? Given that he’d...

By London, UK