Current in Culture

How pop-punk’s revival reflects modern Gen Z angst

How pop-punk’s revival reflects modern Gen Z angst

2021 saw the return of guitar-driven, pop-punk orientated chart music. Its resurgence and angst-ridden aesthetic make perfect sense given the precarious nature of modern, lockdown living. This year was an odd one for nearly all of us, live entertainment industry included. On-and-off lockdowns, gig cancellations, and temperamental touring rules meant that most of us were only able to see live music a handful of times at most. As the new...

By Bristol, UK
New exhibition sees 25 life-sized lions invade London’s South Bank

New exhibition sees 25 life-sized lions invade London’s South Bank

A pride of lions have made their home in Waterloo to raise awareness for animal conservation. It looks like London has a thing for lions - whether they be roaming around Regent’s Park Zoo, standing guard beneath Nelson's column, or singing on stage in the West End. Evidently the city is the perfect place for Born Free’s new outdoor exhibition, which has erected 25 bronze big cats in Millennium Green, just...

By London, UK
Gen-Z mocks news misinformation with conspiracy theory satire

Gen-Z mocks news misinformation with conspiracy theory satire

Promoting a far-fetched theory that birds are government spies, young people are poking fun at conspiracy theory groups to cope with living in an age of endless misinformation.  A movement called Birds Aren’t Real is picking up serious traction with Generation Z, particularly in the United States. Its members claim that birds do not exist and are instead drone replicas designed by the government to spy on national citizens. Massive billboards...

By London, UK
Poet turns Malcolm X’s prison cell into ‘freedom library’

Poet turns Malcolm X’s prison cell into ‘freedom library’

The prison cell that was occupied by the civil rights activist has been transformed into the first of 1,000 planned ‘freedom libraries’. Poet and lawyer Reginald Dwayne Betts is using his MacArthur ‘genius grant’, worth $625,000 (£471,000) to set up 1,000 micro-libraries in US prisons through his charity, Freedom Reads, starting with Malcolm X’s cell. The first of these ‘freedom libraries’ is located in Norfolk Prison, Massachusetts where Malcolm X was...

By Oxford, UK