Current in Companies

European supermarkets pull Brazilian products linked to deforestation

European supermarkets pull Brazilian products linked to deforestation

Amid concerns regarding the Amazon rainforest’s destruction and in an effort to cut CO2 emissions, Sainsbury’s, Carrefour, and Lidl are among the grocery stores taking action. At this November’s Cop26 summit, more than 100 world leaders vowed to end deforestation by 2030 – a commitment that governments and private companies backed with $19 billion. However, given how poorly these strategies have worked in the past, it’s unsurprising that forest loss...

By London, UK
How will we move to a clean energy world after COP26?

How will we move to a clean energy world after COP26?

Responsible for 76% of global greenhouse gas emissions, reliance on fossil fuels is our #1 climate mitigation problem. So what are we going to do about it? Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to limit warming to 1.5C won’t be possible without a global transition to a clean energy world.  The good news is we already know how to do this. Hence, at this stage, it’s a matter of having the political will...

By Montreal, Canada
Cambo oil field development halted indefinitely

Cambo oil field development halted indefinitely

Days after Shell pulled out of the Cambo oil field development, Siccar Point Energy has now put the whole build on pause indefinitely. Citing time constraints as a big hindrance, could this finally be the end of the controversial project? Who would’ve thought building a multi-million pound fossil fuel factory amidst a climate crisis would create so much controversy? Uneconomic and ill advised plans to drill for oil deep under the...

By London, UK
NASA says it will put the first Black person on the moon in 2025

NASA says it will put the first Black person on the moon in 2025

The next visit to the lunar surface is set to be the most diverse yet - and it’s about time. It may surprise you to know that only a dozen humans have ever touched down on the moon. Perhaps less surprising is the fact that those boasting ‘moonwalker’ status are all white men. Although a relatively diverse set of astronauts have completed space travel (we’re not counting Bezos or Branson in...

By London, UK