Jamie Watts

Editor in Chief London, UK

I’m Jamie (He/Him), the Editor in Chief at Thred. Keeping up with gaming and revolutionary technology is my forte, but when away from my keyboard, you’ll probably find me wrapped around a large Tango ice blast at the latest mediocre horror flick. Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn and drop me some ideas/feedback via email.

Hi, I’m Jamie, and I’m the Editor in Chief at Thred.

I studied Freelance Journalism at the British College of Journalism before heading straight into sports writer roles for several football news outlets. Following Manchester United’s decline, I had an immediate change of heart and generously decided to lend my talents to Thred. Now, as the tech and gaming buff, I spend my days obsessing over transformative innovations while grazing on fresh fruit and the occasional hobnob.

Often referred to as the resident cockney, I like to break up the daily hustle by irritating the rest of the office. I also love a headline image on Photoshop and get aroused by a tasty gradient.


Latest Stories from Jamie

Will Snapchat’s tweet integration up cross-connectivity on social media?

Will Snapchat’s tweet integration up cross-connectivity on social media?

Twitter has revealed iOS users can now display tweets within their Snapchat Stories. Is this the beginning of social platforms playing nice? In a single move sure to freshen up Twitter’s user base and simultaneously bring a more mature audience to Snapchat, iOS users will now be able to display clickable tweet previews within their Snapchat Stories. Naturally, social media platforms rarely play nice. Each big player – whether we’re talking...

By London, UK
WhatsApp ‘Carts’ could seriously harm e-commerce start-ups

WhatsApp ‘Carts’ could seriously harm e-commerce start-ups

WhatsApp’s new in-app feature ‘Carts’ is set to make online shopping easier for its 2 billion user base. Small e-commerce start-ups are real concerned. Just in time for the holiday season, WhatsApp has this week announced plans to roll out a new in-app shopping feature called Carts which allows buyers to group multiple purchases into a single message. Tech really is all about convenience these days. Those who keep up with...

By London, UK
Facebook pledges $10m to its ‘Black Gaming Creators Program’

Facebook pledges $10m to its ‘Black Gaming Creators Program’

Facebook will invest $10m USD over the next two years to help black streamers make it big by offering funding, mentorship, and training opportunities. Facebook has just announced the launch of its ‘Black Gaming Creators Program’ in lieu of supporting black streamers going full-time with content creation on its platform. You may recall the company pledged $200m USD as part of a commitment to back black-owned businesses back in June,...

By London, UK
Students to race remote control cars on the moon in 2021

Students to race remote control cars on the moon in 2021

Two teams of high-school students are creating remote control cars to race on the moon. No, this isn’t Mario Kart. In the new year, a few lucky high-school students will get the chance to try their hand at automotive engineering alongside Frank Stephenson, the motor genius behind the design of McLaren’s flagship supercar the M-P1. Get this though, that isn’t even the most exciting part. The competition, devised by SpaceX chief...

By London, UK
Students are up in arms against anti-cheating surveillance tech

Students are up in arms against anti-cheating surveillance tech

As colleges continue to rely on ‘anti-cheating’ exam monitoring tech in lockdown, pupils claim they’re being treated more like criminals than students. If you’re something of a nervy student you’ll know that settling down and feeling comfortable plays a big part in overcoming the whole exam process. The quicker you’re able to acclimate to that little wooden desk and the constant ticking of the clock, the better chance you’ll have...

By London, UK
Snapchat boosts creative toolset with Spotlight and Voisey

Snapchat boosts creative toolset with Spotlight and Voisey

2020 has become a good year to make a buck in the creative industry, and Snapchat is using the current landscape to forge a strong comeback in the social media arena. Social distancing regulations imposed by Covid-19 continue to usher in a burgeoning DIY culture, and Snapchat is taking full advantage by bolstering its already impressive digital design arm with updates Spotlight and Voisey. Aspiring artists in particular are forgoing conventional...

By London, UK
NASA launches new satellite to monitor rising sea levels

NASA launches new satellite to monitor rising sea levels

NASA’s new ocean satellite is set to completely revolutionise the way we collect data on sea levels and the impact of climate change. It sounds crazy to say now, but when NASA first began its research on rising sea levels in the 1990s, scientists were unsure whether or not climate change was even a contributing factor. Thankfully, doubts on that front have been well and truly ousted since then. ‘The question...

By London, UK
Is human urine the key to a greener agriculture industry?

Is human urine the key to a greener agriculture industry?

Can building a circular pee-conomy really contribute to a greener world? While going to the toilet and admiring the tiles on the wall, have you ever considered that maybe pulling that flusher is wasting a golden resource? Of course you haven’t, but after today you just might. If you regularly keep up with Thred’s stories on regenerative agriculture you’ll know that the farming industry continues to heavily rely on synthetic...

By London, UK
Twitter strives for inclusivity with new stories feature ‘Fleets’

Twitter strives for inclusivity with new stories feature ‘Fleets’

Twitter is encouraging people back on its platform with timed, disappearing tweets called ‘Fleets.’ It’s hard to stay relevant if you don’t roll with the times - and Twitter appears to have finally realised it may be lagging behind the competition. The platform has always been the place to go for minute-by-minute topical conversation and reactionary public opinion, but as links between poor mental health and social media usage continue to...

By London, UK
Snapchat’s new astrology update fosters Gen Z lockdown connections

Snapchat’s new astrology update fosters Gen Z lockdown connections

All is written in the stars, and as of Thursday, also on Snapchat. Whether you’re a horoscope devotee who believes destiny is written in the stars, or just looking for an excuse to break the ice with a crush in lockdown, Snapchat has developed a full-fledged astrology feature to serve your needs. On cloudy nights, there’s always 4G. Launching on Thursday, users will now see a purple icon when tapping on...

By London, UK