Latest Stories from Jamie
You Decide – is horror’s portrayal of ageing women problematic?
In the modern age of horror, elderly women playing the roles of ghoulish antagonists is fast becoming an obsessive genre trope. Many such films hold up in a commercial and critical sense, but is this perhaps indicative of harmful gender values still present within Hollywood? The Shining is one of my all-time favourite movies. Personal bias aside, though, one could argue that its most harrowing scene unintentionally sums up Hollywood’s...
Report: 68% of US execs admit to greenwashing tactics
In a recent international survey of over 1,400 executives across different industries, two thirds questioned whether their company’s sustainability efforts were genuine. In the US, 68% of CEOs and C-suite leaders admitted to greenwashing. Given the amount of supposed ‘sustainability’ drives from companies that are full of contradictions, it’s no surprise that associated performance reports are sending mixed messages too. An anonymous survey conducted by the Harris Poll (for Google...
The dark side of lithium and our supposed electric future
Lithium offers the most promising avenue out of our current reliance on fossil fuels. But are we underestimating the level of ecological damage inflicted by mining it on a mass scale? Widely used in our electric devices, from mobile phones and laptops, to cars and aircraft, demand for lithium is at its peak right now and will continue skyrocket in the coming years. Global policy insists that the energy sector should...
These prefab ‘skins’ could make homes more energy efficient
One of our biggest challenges as we strive for a net-zero world is making existing buildings energy efficient. However, a German engineering start-up may have an ingenious solution to speed up the retrofitting process. Working smarter – and not harder – could be the solution to improving our current problem with inefficient buildings. In a bid to transition urban metropolises to net-zero over the coming decades, architects and city planners are...
UK law change finally ends the divorce ‘blame game’
Prior to a recent change, proof of adultery, desertion, or a five year separation was needed to carry through a divorce in the UK. Now, the revised ‘no-fault’ law means blame no longer has to be apportioned and that marriages can end amicably. When for better or worse goes out the window, things can actually get a whole lot worse. Where, prior to getting married, ending a relationship could be achieved...
Final IPCC report warns ‘now or never’ to prevent climate disaster
Climate scientists have provided something of a final warning in the latest IPCC report. Efforts to make emissions peak by 2025 must materialise ‘now or never’ to avoid devastating climate impacts. Good afternoon… humanity is running out of time. The third and final section of the IPCC’s comprehensive review of climate science is here, complete with stark warnings that nihilism will soon have devastating impacts. As you’ll already know from the previous...
Asteroid mining start-up to raise funds through NFTs
There are several ambitious space initiatives in the works as we speak, and many of them have one thing common: they’re attempting to raise seed funding through NFTs. ExLabs hopes a crypto injection will facilitate its asteroid mining explorations. Since the turn of the year, a host of space start-ups have jumped on the NFT bandwagon to raise money in novel ways. We’ve had MoonDAO, which wants to go from...
Burger King to ban ‘forever chemicals’ from its packaging
The fast food consortium in charge of Burger King, Tim Hortons, and Popeyes has announced a global ban on toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from all restaurant packaging by 2025. Those of us who occasionally indulge in fast food ‘dining’ know what we’re getting into, right? Did you know though, that its not just the risk attached to a lack of nutrients or high sodium content we need to be concerned with. It’s...
Online volunteers hunt for evidence of Russian war crimes
In Ukraine, civilian accounts of atrocities carried out by the Russian military continue to emerge. Online volunteers around the globe are now building dossiers of purported ‘war crimes’ for potential convictions once the gunfire ceases. While our present obsession with tech and social media certainly has its drawbacks, it is conducive to creating a stronger feeling of democracy. Wherever unlawful persecution or atrocities are taking place in plain sight, with platforms...
Starbucks to phase out its disposable cups entirely by 2025
For better or worse, Starbucks has transformed coffee culture forever. Its logo is instantly recognisable globally, but at the cost of becoming a ‘ubiquitous’ symbol of single-use waste. The enterprise is now aiming to phase out its disposable cups entirely by 2025. If you’re feeling a twinge of guilt for that pumpkin spiced latte phase you go through every Autumn, don’t beat yourself up. We’re all victims of mainstream coffee...