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Why Pinterest is booming among Gen Z

The platform just saw its best user growth in two years, with young people leading the charge. This is due to recently introduced shoppable content, which has transformed the social media site into a go-to fashion destination for the style-obsessed demographic.

According to Pinterest’s CEO, the platform – designed to enable the discovery of inspiration on the Internet in the form of pinboards – has just seen its best user growth in two years, with young people leading the charge.

Following the release of the social media site’s second-quarter financial results this week, its global monthly active users increased by eight per cent year-over-year to 465 million.

‘Gen Z is our fastest-growing cohort, and they’re engaging more deeply than prior cohorts,’ Bill Ready told CNBC.

He attributes this boom in popularity to the recent introduction of ‘shoppable content’ (involving links to buy and recommendations of similar products attached to pins), which has transformed Pinterest from a simple image-sharing platform into a commercial hub.

‘More than half of the users on Pinterest say they’re there to shop, but the actionability on Pinterest was low,’ continues Ready.

‘As we’re bringing that shoppable content onto Pinterest, we’re finding it’s really driving great engagement.’

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Notably, this pivot has appealed to Gen Z in particular because the style-obsessed demographic is now using the social media site as its go-to fashion destination.

With Pinterest on a content graph algorithm like TikTok, tailoring its feed based on what users like, Gen Zers can receive outfit inspo that’s linked to their tastes, hence their rising interest.

‘I think one major thing that differentiates a person coming through the front doors of Pinterest as a user versus coming through the front doors of other platforms is they have an intent – they’re not coming for an ephemeral experience,’ explains chief content officer Malik Ducard.

‘They’re planning an outfit for a birthday [or] their festival attire. And they come back to it. So, for brands, for retailers, there’s a major opportunity to capture that intent, to help guide that pinner from top-of-the-funnel discovery to actually making a decision and ultimately a sale.’

What Ducard is alluding to is the fact that as the under 25’s attention has been piqued, so too has that of the numerous luxury brands and concept stores that have begun using the platform to drive sales and analyse what kind of advertising campaigns Gen Z might be most captivated by.

This is aided by Pinterest pins, which often represent what’s next rather than the now, making the platform fertile ground for retailers and consumers alike to stay on top of the ever-changing trend cycle.

How Pinterest became Gen Z's favourite fashion inspo | Vogue Business

‘If we see certain styles being pinned a lot, we know to source more of them,’ Gabriel Rylka, founder of Gen Z-focused archive seller Break Archive, tells Vogue Business.

‘And likewise, we can predict what the next thing will be.’

So, is Pinterest set to become the next big thing in online fashion?

In Ducard’s opinion, yes, but only if the platform upholds its commitment to amplifying the diversity, inclusion, and representation that plays a significant role in Gen Z buying habits.

‘What we see is that the more diverse, the more inclusive, representative the platform is, the more engaging it is for users,’ he finishes.

‘For Gen Z, they expect to see the world that they live in reflected in the online world that they engage in. We want to honour that.’
