We’ve seen bizarre TikTok dancing trends and running challenges, but the wackiest of all might just be the renaissance painting recreation trend.
The invention of the internet has allowed us to reinterpret all manners of older media in fresh ways. Over the years, the explosion of meme culture has meant older films, paintings, and novels have been continuously repurposed for humour, with subreddits such as r/trippinthroughtime and r/accidentalrenaissance being perfect examples.
This seemingly never ending lockdown is giving many of us the perfect excuse to flex creative skills that may seldom be used otherwise. Take this viral painting trend that’s been all over Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter recently, which involves using household objects to recreate iconic artwork from centuries past.
At the end of March, Getty Museum tweeted the challenge to recreate a famous painting in any way possible, kicking off the trend that’s since spread across all social media platforms. Anything goes, too, whether it be toilet brushes or oddly arranged sofas. The weirder, the better – and there have been some truly impressive efforts.
We’ve even given it a go here at the Thred office, though no word on which of ours is the best. I’d pick Milo’s personally, for sheer commitment to the facial expressions alone.