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Trump announces order to bring plastic straws back

President Donald Trump has just announced he is banning the federal mandate of producing paper straws throughout the US. In-fact, he wants the nation to move exclusively back to plastic.

‘Drill baby drill’ was just the tip of the iceberg re Trump’s ecological unravelling, it would seem.

The newly inaugurated president is still going down his list of pet peeves, binning off federal orders and drafting new ones as they pop into his brain. The latest target in the crosshairs of the proud climate changer denier is the paper straw.

In toddler tantrum-like fashion, Trump scowled that paper straws ‘don’t work’ in an official statement on Monday before confirming his intention to have the US move back to exclusively plastic.

‘It’s a ridiculous situation. We’re going back to plastic straws,’ he lamented – presumably after losing a paper straw to a Chuck E. Cheese milkshake… the last straw.

Trump’s new decree orders federal agencies to stop buying paper straws and ‘otherwise ensure that paper straws are no longer provided within agency buildings.’ You wouldn’t want a felony on your record now, would you mister caterer?

This decision, though extremely disappointing, isn’t exactly surprising. Trump’s loathing of paper straws has been publicly known for years, emphasised by the branded plastic straws flogged for $15 during his 2019 election campaign.

His adversary at the time, Joe Biden, set in place a plan to phase out federal purchases of single-use plastics from packaging and events by 2027 and all operations by 2035. Two years from the preliminary target, however, a reinvigorated Trump has declared his predecessor’s policy ‘DEAD!’ in a social media post over the weekend.

Despite the fact that the equivalent of a garbage truck’s worth of plastic waste is dumped in the ocean every minute, harming biodiversity and creating microplastics that have found their way into human blood and our testicles, Trump skirted the issue (or crisis, if you prefer) with a bemusing attempt at placation.

‘I don’t think that plastic is going to affect the shark very much as they’re eating, as they’re munching their way through the ocean,’ he said during a recent White House announcement. Genuinely, that is what he said. If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.

Senior members of the Plastics Industry Association were obviously thrilled by Trump’s backing, with company CEO, ironically named Matt Seaholm, asserting, ‘Straws are just the beginning. “Back to Plastic” is a move we should all get behind.’

While we all remember the practical nature of the plastic straw fondly, there’s something about knowing that each one will take some 200 years to decompose, threatening marine wildlife for that entire period and beyond, which puts things in perspective – if you’ve a conscience or shred or moral responsibility, that is.

For context, 400 million tonnes of new plastic is still produced globally with 40% of this attributable to packaging alone. What we categorically don’t need is the leader of a nation placed second for this volume of mess exacerbating the crisis tenfold on an infantile whim.

Over 100 nations continue to convene annually in pursuit of an official pact to limit plastic production and accelerate ocean clean-up methods. It goes without saying that the US government’s moronic stance pits any prospect of that milestone firmly in the trash.

White House staff secretary Will Scharf has his plastic party hat on, nonetheless. ‘An absolute tonne of money’ is projected to be saved, he claims, echoing that the menace of slightly damp straws are ‘something that affects ordinary Americans in their everyday lives.’

Whatever helps you sleep at night, boys. Place this example next to the Urban Dictionary definition of First-World Problem.
