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How far are we from a car-free Oxford Street?

Is Sadiq Khan pinning his legacy hopes on the capital’s most famous street? 

As Keir Starmer’s government prepares to share their new budget, speculation has been swirling around potential investment in London’s infrastructure –and with it, the mayor’s vision for a car-free Oxford Street has come back into focus.

For years, London’s busiest shopping street has been stuck in a battle between modernisation and inertia. But now, with Khan reportedly planning to use a rarely-invoked mayoral development corporation (MDC) to push the project through, it’s worth asking: could we finally see a car-free Oxford Street?

The mayor believes this project is essential to the street’s long-term survival, presenting it as a bold response to an evolving urban landscape. London’s West End has been under increasing pressure from online shopping and Westfield’s two mega-malls, which are sapping footfall from this once-dominant retail strip.

Oxford Street needs to reinvent itself or risk falling further behind. Turning it into a pedestrian haven – free from the noise, pollution, and chaos of traffic – could give it the facelift it desperately needs.

The new plan depends on whether the government awards Khan with new planning powers to create a ‘Mayoral Development Area’ (MDA) around Oxford Street.

While the Mayor has said that the government currently supports his proposal, it’s unclear what the boundaries of a proposed MDA would be.

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said ‘Oxford Street is a world-renowned shopping destination and we want it to stay that way. By working with the mayor and local leaders, we can ensure it gets the boost it needs.’

Rayner added that the plan would create jobs and boost the area’s night-time economy.

Such projects are not without precedent. European cities like Paris, Madrid, and Amsterdam have embraced pedestrianisation with ambitious city-centre schemes, transforming public spaces into bustling, people-centric areas. The benefits, both environmental and economic, are evident.

These schemes reduce pollution, encourage walking, cycling, and public transport, and inject life back into formerly congested streets. London, one of the world’s leading cities, surely cannot afford to lag behind. The mayor’s argument is compelling: why wouldn’t we want a greener, more attractive Oxford Street?

This isn’t the first time Khan has attempted to secure an MDC around Oxford Street, but initial plans in 2017 were dropped after considerable pushback from the then Tory-elected council.

Now, with the support of Labour politicians, the mayor has said there is a more pressing need for an Oxford Street project in the aftermath of the pandemic, with the high street suffering against online competition.

Another example of an MDC in London is the 2012 Olympic park, which was set up to leave a lasting impact on East London after the games.

That project was significantly larger, with around £10bn to work with. In the years since, around 1,200 new homes have been built and a cluster of top cultural, academic, and sporting institutions are being created in the Olympic park.

It’s hoped an Oxford Street overhaul will have a similar impact.

But this grand vision raises a critical question: who really benefits? Pedestrianisation may sound like a straightforward, feel-good project, but it’s more complex in practice. For one, the impact on the local economy is far from certain.

High streets across the UK are facing an existential crisis. With soaring rents, falling foot traffic, and the omnipresence of online shopping, turning Oxford Street into a pedestrian zone may not be the silver bullet its proponents hope for.

A car-free Oxford Street won’t, by itself, save businesses if the broader economic environment remains challenging. What’s more, the process of rerouting buses and rethinking traffic patterns could cause significant disruption in the short term, potentially alienating customers and adding strain to the surrounding areas.

Then there’s the issue of investment. With the economy still fragile, critics argue that pedestrianising Oxford Street is a misuse of limited public funds.

Should government and mayoral budgets be focused on regenerating a single shopping street, or should they be directed to more pressing infrastructure projects, such as affordable housing or public transport upgrades?

In this context, some view Khan’s determination to see this through as political legacy-building rather than sound governance.

Ultimately, the question of pedestrianising Oxford Street is not just about creating a pleasant place to stroll – it’s about the future of urban spaces in a post-pandemic world.

Is London ready to embrace a car-free Oxford Street? Or will this plan, like others before it, fall victim to political deadlock, economic uncertainty, and a failure to adapt in time?

Either way, it’s clear that something needs to change if London’s most famous street is to maintain its status. Whether through bold moves or cautious reforms, Oxford Street must change if it is to survive.
