Low calorie, low sugar, and gluten-free labels on pre-mixed alcoholic beverages are attempts to lure health-conscious young people into drinking, a research team in Australia says after analysing the labels of 491 different beverages.
If your health is declining, the first thing you’ll likely be told to do is to eat and drink healthier.
Alcohol, in that case, will likely be off the table as the overwhelming scientific consensus is that consuming alcoholic beverages is detrimental to human health. Young people know this, meaning many of them haven’t even started drinking regularly.
According to Forbes, Gen Z is drinking 20 percent less alcohol than millennials do. Millennials also drink less than previous generations due to ‘increased awareness of the dangers and effects of alcohol and the rise of health-consciousness as a lifestyle.’
Marketing teams around the world know this – including those working for the alcohol industry. As a result, they’re changing their tactics.
A study conducted by researchers at the Geroge Institute for Global Health aimed to find out how often the alcohol industry makes health claims in its marketing. Analysing the cans of 491 pre-mixed drinks found in major retailers in Australia, they identified several ‘health-focused’ catchphrases used.