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Discussing the Afghanistan crisis with author Yeldah Yousfi

Content creator and author Yeldah Yousfi gave us an insight into the Afghanistan crisis, as well as a ton of useful resources that you can view to help the unfolding situation.

I sat down virtually with digital/content creator and aspiring author Yeldah Yousfi this week to get an insight into the current situation in Afghanistan.

At just 26, Yeldah has created engaging online content for years, amassing over 70,000 followers on Instagram. Her active approach to awareness and education has covered everything from Muslim female authors, to Islamophobia, to education on Palestine.

Her current focus is the crisis in Afghanistan, and she is using her platform to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

She has set up a donation page to help displaced families. A little over a month ago she released an Instagram post on books about Afghanistan and Afghans seamlessly blending her passion for literature and activism.

As an Afghan-Canadian currently residing in Toronto, she shared with me her opinions on how this crisis impacts Afghanistan and how the reverberations can be felt across the world.

Commenting on the humanitarian crisis, Yousfi says that ‘the people of Afghanistan have faced decades of war because of foreign intervention from countries like the USA, Pakistan, Russian, Iran, the British, and their allies.’

‘This humanitarian crisis did not just happen but is an on-going crisis in Afghanistan.’

On a more personal level, Yousfi speaks for herself and other Afghan diaspora in feeling like ‘we are just watching from the side-lines as our home country is burning and no one listened to us until it was too late.’

When asked how she sees this affecting Afghan people around the world, Yousfi shared how she ‘personally know(s) that many Afghan diaspora around the world have families (even distant families like myself) and it’s heart-breaking to see them in this state right now.’

‘I believe the current situation has taken a toll on the Afghan diaspora. Many families are in need of food/water, shelter, clothing and other essentials.’

She tells of how the Afghan people want peace and stability. The sense of belonging in your own country is invaluable. There are many complex factors in place now within Afghanistan and it is hard to see a resolution for the people there currently.

Yousfi expressed where her motivation to speak publicly and educate people on the Afghan crisis comes from.

‘Well, as an Afghan who has had the privilege of being born and raised in Canada, I feel that it is the very least I can do for my home country.’

Her activism for Afghanistan speaks to having a voice and letting it be heard. ‘Right now, the best thing we can do is to amplify Afghan voices, especially ones who are still in Afghanistan. Support them by sharing/posting, donating to reliable sources, asking Western countries to accept as many Afghan refugees as possible and to get them out of the country asap.’

In recent days, distressing images have been released of Afghan people losing their lives in dangerous attempts to flee their home.

Understanding the importance of refuge for them and taking part in this call to action will hopefully mean no more lives lost and safety for Afghans.

At the moment, Yousfi backs clicktivism as ‘certainly the most effective’ form of activism. However, she goes on to warn that it may not be ‘the best since there is a lot of mis-information at the time.’

The importance of getting your information from a reliable source cannot be emphasised enough, look to her guides here to educate yourself further.

If you are looking to get involved in relief for Afghanistan Yousfi recommends you ‘share, donate, protest, and take action for the people of Afghanistan.’ Check out @theafghan for more information on this as there is a world-wide protest happening on Aug 28th that you can be involved in.

She also supplied a list of multiple reputable sources all accessible via Instagram so that you too can use clicktivism to show your support for Afghanistan.











In many of their bios you will find the links you need to donate to the relief effort in Afghanistan.

Yeldah Yousfi is using her voice for the Afghan people, and you can do the same. You may only be one voice but sometimes that is all it takes to make a difference. Let yours be heard for those who cannot speak for themselves.
