Current in Style

Cosmetic vagina surgeries are hugely popular among Gen Z

Cosmetic vagina surgeries are hugely popular among Gen Z

‘Designer vagina’ surgery is one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures among young people worldwide. Recent research has uncovered that this is due to a lack of education and diverse representation. It’s never been easier to look at a vagina. In the digital age – unless parental controls are active – a quick dig through the less-regulated social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit will bombard users with a torrent of...

By London, UK
Gen Z’s latest accessory? Ear plugs

Gen Z’s latest accessory? Ear plugs

The unlikely trend has made ear safety stylish. What’s the harm?  The soundtrack of your teens and twenties usually involves crowded festivals, loud nightclubs, and headphones dialled up to high-volume. But Gen Z are starting to reject this cacophony with help from an unlikely accessory: the earplug. Studies have shown that for many young people, noise exposure poses a serious risk to the health of the ears and can even lead...

By Brighton, UK
Modern medicine continues to neglect women’s health

Modern medicine continues to neglect women’s health

Women are disproportionately suffering from a lack of medical attention, facing difficulties seeking treatment for painful symptoms and having their needs misunderstood. In a supposedly developed world, we are consistently letting women down by failing to close the gender health gap. From Queen Elizabeth I’s white face makeup – which she used to cover smallpox scarring – to well-known modern-day lipstick brands including Mac, L’Oreal, and Maybelline,...

By Manchester, UK
Opinion – we aren’t worried enough about our attention spans

Opinion – we aren’t worried enough about our attention spans

Though people are discussing it openly online and trends have emerged to address it, our ability to concentrate is deteriorating by the day. Why does nobody seem that concerned? Two things I’ve noticed recently – both while commuting to work. For one, that all I ever seem to see these days is people looking down, staring blankly at the screen in their hands. I’m by no means exempt from this, I...

By London, UK