Could your skincare regime be endangering sharks further?
One ingredient in popular skincare items is regularly sourced from endangered, deep ocean dwellers. Shark fin soup has racked up serious blame for the depletion of shark populations around the world. But even if you aren’t eating sharks, there’s still a possibility that your daily habits are contributing to the...
Current in Fashion + Beauty
Relaxed attitudes towards cosmetic procedures are dangerous
Cosmetic surgeries have become commonplace in our society, but even non-evasive procedures are never without risk. What can we learn about self-acceptance from one top model’s botched experience? The year is 2021, and you’d be hard pressed to find a celebrity who hasn’t undergone a nose job, brow lift, or...
Why the beauty industry should be selling rejected products
To save our planet, the environmentally damaging industry would do well to follow in sustainable fashion’s footsteps and begin turning unwanted off cuts into a zero-waste solution. In 2021, the negative connotations once linked to pre-owned fashion are no more. During a time in which the threat of climate change...
How Gen Z is pushing beauty to be more diverse and accepting
Leaning into a natural skin aesthetic while still leaving room for makeup experimentation, Gen Z is changing the way we approach beauty products. We already know that Gen Z is the driving force of pushing boundaries, both in terms of social change and creating new trends. This is especially evident in...
For Stella McCartney fungi are the future of fashion
On a mission to change one of the world’s most polluting industries from the inside, the luxury designer just launched a collection inspired by mushrooms and their potential for saving the planet. During the pandemic, conscious consumers and environmentalists watched in anticipation as fashion inched towards hitting the much-needed reset...
The difficult truth about ‘natural’ beauty’s contribution to climate change
Environmentally conscious consumers are ditching synthetic beauty products in favour of natural alternatives, but there's a dark side to the boom in their popularity. At present, the general consensus that ‘natural,’ ‘green,’ ‘organic,’ and ‘clean’ means better is ubiquitous within the beauty industry and frankly speaking, it makes a lot...
Could circular beauty remedy the industry’s waste problem?
The ever-expanding sector generates 120 billion tonnes of throwaway packaging annually. Given we can no longer recycle our way out of this mess, are circular-designed products the answer? Unless your skincare routine involves using leftover ingredients from last night’s meal to create that homemade face mask you saw on TikTok once, then you’ll be well aware that the cost of looking our best is taking a significant toll on the...
Chloé is proving that low impact fashion can be chic
Since being named the brand’s creative director last December, Gabriela Hearst has been on a mission to demonstrate how a luxury label can fully embrace eco-friendly practices. At this year’s Paris show, she did just that. As we know all too well by now, the pressure is on for brands and designers to ditch the linear take-make-waste approach that’s been fashion’s backbone for a century and fix the mess...
Gucci’s new platform for young designers puts planet first
Vault is an experimental online space showcasing one-of-a-kind vintage pieces alongside the work of burgeoning sustainability-focused Gen Zers. Circular fashion is in, after all. If, like me, you’ve been keeping an eye on fashion’s efforts to remove itself from the climate change narrative since the industry’s generous contribution to global carbon emissions first came to light, then you’ll know all about conscious consumerism. Driven primarily by the Gen Z demographic, making...
Male makeup is slowly permeating mainstream beauty
Fuelled by social media and changing attitudes towards masculinity, the beauty industry is shaking off some of its most deep-rooted stereotypes, creating and marketing products specifically for men. The beauty landscape has undergone radical changes in recent years. The once-rigid distinctions between traditional gender identities are steadily becoming blurrier, and fluidity is now regarded as a valid and appreciated form of self-expression. The result is an industry...