new year + new trends

new year + new trends

didn't see this one coming Happy new year to each and every one of you! I’ve been in Bermuda the last few weeks, spending the holidays with family and friends, which is why you might’ve noticed these e-mails coming in later than usual. The next time I write to you, I’ll...

Current in The Common Thred

on cancel culture + AI artists

on cancel culture + AI artists

is the digital world the modern wild west? What a week, eh? 👀 Okay… I’m aware it’s only Tuesday, but this whole daylight savings situation is really making each day feel extra long! Hopefully you’re hanging in there – if not, there’s a yummy recipe at the end of this newsletter that I’m sure will help warm you up… We’ve got a bunch of fun stuff to get into in this edition,...

By London, UK
smoking kills + pop-up thrills

smoking kills + pop-up thrills

are cigarettes back? Ello chaps! 🥸 We’re back again with another newsletter, one I’m feeling super good about. This one feels spicier than usual, well-seasoned one might say, and chock full of interesting reads that I know you’ll find worthwhile. That said, we’re covering a lot of ground, including cigarette smoking’s revival and some decent advice on approaching the (tough) decision to have children. We’re also exploring the hectic US election, the...

By London, UK
selfish shoppers + swarvoski crystals

selfish shoppers + swarvoski crystals

shine bright like a diamante Hey BOO! It’s Halloween week and I don’t know what’s scarier – the lack of fancy dress costumes in London, the hot mess that is the upcoming US election, or the fact that Artificial Intelligence is permeating literally every corner of our lives lately. We’re covering the downsides of AI in Spotify and on Medium, exploring Swarovski’s reason for summoning Ariana Grande in its latest campaign, and...

By London, UK