Current in Newsletters

new year + new trends

new year + new trends

didn't see this one coming Happy new year to each and every one of you! I’ve been in Bermuda the last few weeks, spending the holidays with family and friends, which is why you might’ve noticed these e-mails coming in later than usual. The next time I write to you, I’ll...

not your average ins + outs list

not your average ins + outs list

Here we are… the final day of the 2024. In the middle of this year, the Thred writers decided to embark on our Substack journey. We had no idea what we were getting into, nor did we anticipate how much we’d love it, but each of these unpredictable factors made it all the more exciting. Through our Tuesday newsletter and weekend Wildcard posts, we’ve been able to show you a different,...

By London, UK
what I wanna see trending next year

what I wanna see trending next year

if it’s not mindful, it’s sooo 2024 In case you aren’t aware (I really bloody that hope you are), our world’s in a pretty bad way at the moment. Without fail, every single day of news coverage now brings with it a slew of gut-wrenching headlines, the kind that make you want to get up and do something about it. Or at least that’s what I would hope. For whatever reason – there’s...

By London, UK