Welcome to the latest edition of The Gen Zer. This week, we look at the concerning approval of authoritarianism amongst young people and what it might mean for our future political spectrum. Plus, we dive into ‘micro-retirement,’ the power of language, and why Gen Z are all about spirituality.
A new study by polling company Craft has recently found that half of all Gen Zers want Britain to be ruled by a dictator. The findings will be published this week at a Royal Television Society event.
A third also thought Britain would be better ‘if the army was in charge,’ while almost half agreed that ‘the entire way our society is organised must be radically changed through revolution.’ In addition, 45% of male respondents aged 13 – 27 agreed that ‘we have gone so far in promoting women’s equality that we are discriminating against men.’
Should we really be surprised by these results? It’s interesting to see many media outlets express surprise, outrage and worry, despite the mounting evidence that right-wing nationalism and extremism is on the rise. If Trump returning to power, Elon Musk performing a Nazi salute at the inauguration, or the steady growth of the Reform party in the UK isn’t enough of an indication as to where things are headed, then I’m not sure what is.
These findings are troublesome but expected. Most Gen Zers have never really seen the negative effects of a dictatorship on their own doorstep or within their lifetime. They were not alive to witness either World War, the Cold War, or even 9/11. To many young people, democracy is a guarantee and a norm that is expected, not fought for. It is the rule, not the exception.
By that same token, Gen Z has seen the tail-end of late-stage capitalism, and have only really known a version of democracy that doesn’t work in their favour. Wealth disparity is on the rise, leader after leader fails to deliver on their promises, and pretty much no new opportunities have been given to young people in the last few decades. Why should Gen Z be expected to swear themselves to democracy when it has never offered them anything other than inflation, debt, hyper-competitive job markets, empty political promises and a worsening climate crisis?
For the young, democracy has only shown itself to be ineffective at tackling anything of importance.
Couple this with the explosion of social media and rampant misinformation, and you’ve a storm of disillusionment and individualism that can easily wave away any notion of political or communal responsibility. For many young people, change must be instantaneous, purposeful, and driven. The slow and often tedious political process doesn’t cater to this mentality – and has shown routinely that it seldom disrupts anything anyway.
Right-wing influencers are capitalising on this changing landscape, especially when it comes to gender and equality.
Figures such as Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson are offering young men a means of channelling their life frustrations toward others, much in the same way as Trump and Nigel Farage have hijacked issues of race, sexuality, and immigration in order to benefit themselves. The conversation is inherently defensive and self-centred, and it is resonating with swathes of the general public across generations, largely for the worst.
Perhaps the greatest oversight from this research is the lack of focus on wealth disparity. It seems that most of the Gen Zers surveyed have little concern for the growing gap in financial equality, despite it being the root cause of most modern societal problems. The misguided belief in authoritarian figures like Trump is the biggest disappointment from these findings, and it should serve as a warning that right-wing sentiments are likely set to grow.
The key takeaway here should not be to scoff at Gen Z and waggle our fingers at the misdirected youth of today. Instead, we should cross-examine the failings of our democratic institutions, call out the parties that have hijacked the process for their own monetary gain, and call into question the worldwide lack of meaningful action on any of today’s most vital issues. Democracy in its current state is ineffective and broken. No wonder Gen Z are abandoning it for anything else.
🌏 Gen Z around the Web
the latest stories in youth culture and changing trends . . .
‘Micro-retirement’: the new career trend rising among Gen Z (forbes)
New research suggests that younger workers are prioritising a healthier balance between productivity and down time. ‘Micro-retirement’ is the latest trend to sweep Gen Z offices, with more young people seizing opportunities to gain memorable experiences, travel, and develop personal skills outside of their everyday responsibilities wherever possible. This could be when moving between two different jobs, for example, or simply taking an extended break from work. Read more
Gen Z still consider in-person shopping a worthwhile experience (paymentsdive)
We’ve all heard the rumbling warnings that high streets are dying. As online shopping saw a huge, permanent boost in market share well over a decade ago, in-person stores suffered a sharp decline in sales across the board. However, a new study in the US suggests that there is still potential to keep our retailers afloat, as Gen Z participants showed a clear preference for in-person shopping. Of those surveyed, almost 75% said they shop on their high street once a week and most consider it an ‘experience’. The study also found that all generations report spending more in-store than online. Could we be seeing a resurgence in our high streets? Read more
Is language the key to resolving to WFH and back-to-the-office culture wars? (the guardian)
While most organisations have adopted a hybrid working-from-home model, it seems that many of the biggest businesses in the world are keen to revert back to a full, traditional office schedule. Amazon, Morgan Stanley, and ASDA are all determined to get everyone back into work permanently, despite the lack of evidence that operating from home disrupts employee productivity. So, what’s the answer? Language and our phrasing of certain corporate terminology could help to bridge the gap between both camps, and these playful suggestions are an ideal place to start. Read more
Gen Z far less likely to be atheists than their parents or grandparents (the independent)
If you’ve been to any festival in the last few years, you’ve probably seen a fair few Tarot Card and fortune teller stalls, promising visions of your future and in-depth analysis of your spiritual energy. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that Gen Z are lapping up all things spirituality and superstition. A new survey has found that young people are identifying as ‘spiritual’ far more than any other generation. 10,000 under-25s were surveyed, with 63% identifying as ‘very’ or ‘fairly’ spiritual. Some experts have gone so far as to say that God is ‘making a comeback’ – though we’ll leave it up to you to make your mind up on that one. Read more
That’s all for this week! Make sure to subscribe for the latest on Gen Z and youth culture, and check out The Common Thred for a weekly roundup of the latest news, trends and thought pieces.