Need another reason to switch to a vegan diet? New research suggest that eating a single meat-based hot dog could shorten your life by over half-an-hour. BBQ doesn’t sound so fun now, eh?
Forget drugs, getting too drunk, or attempting to do anything in the morning before a morning tea, the real threat to your health is hot dogs.
Yes, that seemingly innocuous hunk of processed meat is actually a killer, praying on your every waking move in an attempt to shorten your life span and send you to an early grave. Your boozy uncle’s family BBQ never looked so threatening.
Okay, so I may have dramatized the situation a little, but my alarmist rhetoric isn’t entirely fictitious.
New research by the University of Michigan has found that eating processed meats – such as a hot dog – could have detrimental effects on your health, so much so that your lifespan may be actively shortened.
This includes all sorts of popular foods, such as bacon, pizza, and pretty much any kind of manufactured meat product. Feeling the urge to go vegan yet?