bedtime revenge

bedtime revenge

seeking: a lifetime supply of melatonin. β€˜Jessica, go toΒ sleep!’ As a child, my mom would basically have to beg me to shut off for the evening. Winding down each night – closing my book, getting off the family computer, or switching off my GameBoy – was a routine I vehemently despised. Why...

Current in Newsletters

Netflix, can we have nice things?

Netflix, can we have nice things?

Netflix in 2024 is pretty shite. I’m not a huge fan of reality TV. I’ll indulge in the odd season ofΒ Married At First SightΒ every couple years, sure, but I find it more irritating than anything before long. Despite being apparently β€˜unscripted’, most now follow the same formula relentlessly year after year...

the selfishness of self-discovery

the selfishness of self-discovery

is it an exercise in narcissism to work on yourself? For several years now, I’ve been deep in the trenches of personal growth. Embarking on this journey wasn’t deliberate, however. Back in 2020, when the world ground to a halt, I was suddenly confronted with more time to reflect than I knew what to do with. Leading up to the pandemic, I was an expert in suppressing my emotions, using the transient dopamine-inducing...

By London, UK
on men’s bags + the continued growth of onlyfans

on men’s bags + the continued growth of onlyfans

bro, can i put my lipstick in your purse? Welcome back to another newsletter from the common thred! ➿ This week we’re exploring men’s growing taste for designer purses, the millions (and billions) still being made on OnlyFans, the joys and blunders of maintaining modern friendships, and a monumental breakthrough in medicine. As always, there’s a bit more ground to cover, so let’s get into it :) πŸ‘œ Fashion trends

the internet will take your opinion now

the internet will take your opinion now

everyone's a critic. Anytime I cook chicken for someone, I’m worried about killing them. I have a weird paranoia about accidentally giving people salmonella, even though this has never actually happened to me before. The worry persists even when I can see with both eyes that my chicken is cooked all the way through, and even though my doctor said I had 20/20 vision last time I got my eyes checked,...

By London, UK