Who is The Career Coach?

No matter where you are along your career path, Thred is here to help. Allow us to introduce you to your very own Career Coach, Dan Kiernan. Dan is currently the Career Advisor at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, where he focuses on impact careers (perfect) and he has recently been selected as a ‘Top Voice for Jobs and Careers’ by LinkedIn. Whether you need help writing a winning CV to score your dream job or advice on how to find a job with a company that’s actually making a difference, Dan is here to answer your questions and guide you down your chosen career path. Don’t hesitate, hit Dan up by emailing [email protected] and start taking charge of your career! In the meantime, scroll down for a variety of career-building articles and videos to get you started. #changeiscoming

Current in The Career Coach

Question – Do you need to be rich to start a business?

Question – Do you need to be rich to start a business?

Wondering whether you need to be financially-backed and well connected to get your business ventures going? Our career coach gives some advice to help you get started. Question: Do I need to be rich and connected to start my own business? (Cameron, Phoenix) Absolutely not. Don’t let not being rich or connected put you off if you want to start your own business. There are plenty of stories of successful entrepreneurs who...

By Oxford, UK
Question – Is it worth studying for a Masters?

Question – Is it worth studying for a Masters?

Wondering whether you should look into getting a Masters degree? Our career coach offers up some advice to help you make the big decision. Question: How do I decide whether it’s worth studying for a Masters or not? Will it improve my chances of getting a better paid job? (Carmen, London) I think there are broadly three reasons why young people choose to study Masters degrees: employability, personal interest, and putting...

By Oxford, UK
Question – Which work experiences should I take as an aspiring biologist?

Question – Which work experiences should I take as an aspiring biologist?

Wondering where you should be looking to improve your CV before you jump into work as a biologist? Our career coach gives some top advice. Question: What work experience opportunities could I look for to help my chances of getting a job as a biologist? I’m still in high school and I think there are restrictions on what lab work I can do at my age. – Neha, Delhi It’s...

By Oxford, UK
Question – What should I consider when moving abroad for work?

Question – What should I consider when moving abroad for work?

Considering relocating? Here is some advice from our career coach on switching countries for work. Question: What are some relocating tips and tricks for when moving country for your job? Snigdha, Singapore I asked some folks in my network who have relocated what their tips were. Their advice is divided into three categories, which I’m going to call practical, personal and spiritual. Practical Research, ahead of time, the tax system, the healthcare...

By Oxford, UK