Current in Media

Is ‘main character energy’ pushing us further into self-absorption?

Is ‘main character energy’ pushing us further into self-absorption?

It might be easy to feel like we are the brightest glowing star in this experience called life, but taking main character syndrome to the extreme can be detrimental. It seems like everywhere you look these days somebody is telling you to be a little more selfish. Instagram is filled with quotes like ‘put yourself first’ and ‘be your own best friend’, despite science reiterating time and time again...

By London, UK
Jack White calls for labels to launch vinyl record plants

Jack White calls for labels to launch vinyl record plants

In a statement and video, Jack White urges record labels to get serious about vinyl production. He says that supply chain issues and manufacturing bottlenecks need to be addressed. Jack White has asked major record labels to begin building their own vinyl pressing plants, citing industry wide shortages and manufacturing problems as indication of consistent demand. White has released three successful solo albums but is perhaps best known for his...

By Bristol, UK
You Decide – is horror’s portrayal of ageing women problematic?

You Decide – is horror’s portrayal of ageing women problematic?

In the modern age of horror, elderly women playing the roles of ghoulish antagonists is fast becoming an obsessive genre trope. Many such films hold up in a commercial and critical sense, but is this perhaps indicative of harmful gender values still present within Hollywood? The Shining is one of my all-time favourite movies. Personal bias aside, though, one could argue that its most harrowing scene unintentionally sums up Hollywood’s...

By London, UK
Opinion – ‘Pam & Tommy’ helps and hinders female exploitation

Opinion – ‘Pam & Tommy’ helps and hinders female exploitation

The new biopic – shunned by its titular star Pamela Anderson – has raised the question: at what point should we stop reclaiming someone’s experience for entertainment?  Lingering beneath its comedic overtone, Hulu’s new series ‘Pam & Tommy’ unpicks an ominous 90s mega-scandal: the theft and illegal distribution of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s honeymoon sex tape. Despite chronicling the gross-exploitation of Anderson that followed, the Baywatch star has revealed the

By Brighton, UK