Latest Stories from Jessica
Why are Gen Z med students avoiding going into primary care?
On the path towards becoming a medical professional, most young students see primary care training as a stepping stone, rather than a final destination. This spells trouble for the healthcare system, unless crucial changes are made. ‘Everybody wanna be a rapper or influencer…. we need DOCTORS!!!!!!’ Reading a tweet like this about a year ago, I had a little chuckle, having recently noticed that several people I knew had given up...
‘Toxic bro culture’ is driving women away from social media
A new survey has revealed that young women are staying off social media due to a surge in misogynistic content and divisive language on such platforms. Public awareness about online safety has ramped up in recent weeks, with Netflix’s hit television series Adolescence sparking a widespread conversation about digital dangers faced by children. These conversations have even influenced debates in UK parliament. With so much of our lives spent online, governments,...
why everyone blames the phones + hates their government
*spoiler: it's because of the phones Happy Tuesday everyone! 💙 Hope you’re all feeling fresh and funkadelic, or at the very least not vaguely hungover like I am. Bless my best friend, but a Monday night birthday dinner?! The things we do for the ones we love, eh? Allison Hammond (woman, myth, British legend) was at the table beside us and joined in a very enthusiastic rendition of HAPPY BIRTHDAY when...
Size inclusivity is disappearing from fashion runways once again
Fashion houses are being slammed for exclusively featuring waif thin models on their catwalks in recent seasons. Has the body positivity movement been undone already? The last decade has been a celebration of arriving at an era where body positivity and inclusivity was present not just in fashion, but in television, film, and other mainstream media. Though it wasn’t perfect, the greater acceptance for and prevalence of different shapes and sizes...
Why are laptops being banned from cafés everywhere?
‘No laptops’ signs are appearing in coffee shops with increasing frequency, much to the dismay of individuals who want a place to work outside the office and home. Are bans on laptops in cafés justified, or are we about to lose yet another valuable third space? Upon a recent visit to the newly opened coffee shop in my south London neighbourhood, I noticed a sign stuck to one of the...
Drones to make Mount Everest safer for Sherpas and climbers
Every year, Mount Everest’s team of Sherpas risk their lives to guide foreign adventurers to the mountain’s peak. New drones could soon ease their burdens, carrying essential medical supplies and heavy climbing equipment. On average, four people lose their lives on Mount Everest each year. With warmer temperatures making the mountain's ice cover less stable, this number increased to an average of 8 annually over the last decade. Sherpas sadly accounted...
marrying for money + dying for beauty
the latest trends are in Good day beautiful people! Hope you’re all doing well and have a great week to look forward to. This edition of our newsletter is touching on developments in culture, tech, social trends, and world news, including: conspiracy theories about McDonald’s increasingly grey aesthetic, Amazon’s move to ditch privacy for its Echo devices, what Gen Z is really looking for in a marriage partner, plus Israel’s violation of...
republican jesus + the art of seduction
this is a weird one Happy Tuesday! 💙 We’re back with another edition of your favourite newsletter. This week’s edition explores whether Apple’s Vision Pro headset will ever be relevant, what the beauty industry’s next major hurdle is, the secrets of the global garbage trade, and whether the art of seduction is truly dead. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s not dilly dally any longer. Grab yourself a cup of...
Why is the Black Lives Matter mural in Washington D.C. being removed?
Construction crews have begun jackhammering away the city’s iconic street mural, which stood as a symbol of the 2020 protests against the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. During the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, a large yellow mural was painted in an act of defiance against Donald Trump, who was serving his first term as president. The Democratic mayor Murial Bowser ordered the construction of the mural...
small happy habits
a few things i do to make myself feel irie I won’t claim to have all the answers in life, but I will say I’ve collected a few tricks for making the journey a little bit more enjoyable. In this post, I’ll share them with you. 1 - spinning full albums Remember the feeling of getting a brand new CD? You’d open up the plastic case, pore over the album booklet, and...