Latest Stories from Charlie
Stormzy pledges £10m to fight racial injustice
The UK grime artist will be giving cash to various undisclosed organisations over the next decade. It comes as other artists speak out about the music industry’s racial biases and discrimination. In a statement released yesterday, Stormzy has promised to donate £10 million to ‘organisations, charities, and movements that are committed to fighting racial inequality, justice reform, and Black empowerment in the UK’ over the next ten years. He will...
Understanding Gen Z and brand loyalty in 2020
Companies looking to create long-lasting connections with younger consumers must respect personal data, provide quick, authentic services, and be transparent about their business operations. If you’re a business looking to tap into the ever growing market of young Generation Z shoppers, then you’re probably wondering how to go about doing so. By the end of this year young adults and teens will make up over 40% of all American consumers....
Planet of the Humans is a well meant but inaccurate mess
Planet of the Humans argues that our current capitalist system cannot co-exist with truly sustainable living. It’s a messy, questionable work, one that uses flimsy sources for information and promotes outdated myths, but there are threads of truth throughout that open up the conversation of green energy. Michael Moore’s latest documentary, directed by Jeff Gibbs and surprise released on YouTube last month, is an all-out attack on the green...
Drive-in concerts helping to keep live music afloat
Australia is beginning to trial drive-in concerts in a first attempt to give the live entertainment industry some much needed revenue. When Pixar released its 2006 film ‘Cars’, it depicted a world in which anthropomorphic vehicles attended live events together, formed giant crowds at stadiums, and lived fully fleshed out lives not unlike our own. Back then this was a world of pure fiction, a bizarre and cartoonish existence...
Carbon emissions down to 2006 levels due to coronavirus
Carbon dioxide levels fell 17 percent in April of this year compared to 2019, though the sudden drop isn’t expected to last. It turns out that coronavirus is having more widespread effects that many of us probably imagined when early headlines started spilling from China in January. The international lockdown and social distancing measures that are currently still in place have caused many businesses to shut down or temporarily pause...
KSI’s Dissimulation brings YouTube trap to the mainstream
Being a YouTuber before turning to music used to be a career choice that was ripe for ridicule. Thanks to new wave industry acts such as KSI, Joji, and Quadeca, the rules are finally changing. It wasn’t all that long ago when Olajide Olatunji, better known as KSI, was making a name for himself opening FIFA packs and playing horror games on YouTube. Known for his comedic energy and bubbling charisma,...
Mental Health Awareness week: ex-footballer discusses media bullying
Luke Chadwick's retrospective candidness on the effects of bullying has drawn attention to how our times have changed. If you don’t know who Luke Chadwick is then I can hardly blame you. If you weren’t a big fan of football or born before 1995 (neither of which I was) then you’ll likely not have heard of him. But Chadwick has been making headlines this week for opening up about his...
Investors bet on permanence of lockdown gaming habits
Lockdown restrictions have meant that many of us are flocking to online video games to distract ourselves, and investors are hoping the trend continues well beyond the pandemic. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I’ve chucked more than a few extra hours into playing video games since lockdown began over three months ago. While nearly every other industry has struggled to cope with the unpredictable changes surrounding the...
Meet ‘The Twenty Minute VC’ that has shaped the industry since his teens
Harry Stebbings has managed to crack into the world of venture capital and create the field’s biggest podcast, ‘The Twenty Minute VC’, at just 23-years-old. You may not have heard of Harry Stebbings, but he’s a big deal in the world of venture capital. At 18 years old he set up his own podcast titled ‘The Twenty Minute VC’, a short form interview series with leading venture capital figures and CEOs....
#DrawFor: the new charity helping artists and key workers
Spun out of the coronavirus pandemic, DrawFor is a new non-profit organisation that’s giving back to NHS key workers through artist donations, and anyone can get involved. Do you fancy yourself as a bit of an up-and-coming artist? Have some work you’d like to share on social media? Would you also like to help the NHS in the process? If you’ve answered yes to all my tedious questions, then DrawFor...