Annie Dabb

Remote Writer Manchester, England

Annie (She/Her) – Originally from Newcastle Upon-Tyne, Annie’s writing focuses mostly on class and feminist issues, with a particular interest in sex-culture, identity politics, and current affairs. She studied both her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in English literature at the University of Manchester. (Yes, it was a lot of reading. No, it didn’t ruin books for her). Follow her on Twitter or Instagram, or feel free to get in touch via email.

Heya, I’m Annie, a writer from Newcastle Upon-Tyne. I studied English Literature at the University of Manchester where I turned up to a zoom meeting for the student paper because I happened to have a free evening and ended up finding a passion for journalism that I can’t seem to shake. Aware of the stereotypes around click-baity, exploitative news, I try my best to write compassionate and engaged content that deals with real issues and seeks to platform underrepresented or oppressed groups – this includes covering animal as well as human rights. I also love niche history deep-dives and chatting to people for cool interviews – people watching is also an absolute treasure trove for inspiration. You’ll usually find me plugged into a podcast, desperately searching for caffeine and a few spare hours to sit somewhere sunny with a book.

Latest Stories from Annie

Opinion – we need to take self-care from the screen to the streets

Opinion – we need to take self-care from the screen to the streets

Though scrolling on social media gives us the short-term dopamine hits we crave, ceaseless overexposure to tragedy means that many of us have developed a guilt complex. To combat this, we’re increasingly switching off in the name of self-care, but what if we redirected that to bringing about tangible change and helping others the way we’re helping ourselves? Without doubt, social media is having detrimental impact on our mental...

By Manchester, England
Where in the UK is best for Northern creatives?

Where in the UK is best for Northern creatives?

Though creative brain drain has seen Northern graduates move South for years, Manchester now boasts more jobs per person than the UK’s capital – but is it affordable to live there? Already regarded as the powerhouse of the North thanks to its rich (literally) industrial history and iconic music scene, Manchester’s booming economy, exciting nightlife, and media links have recently put it on the map as a more manageable London. With...

By Manchester, England