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Exclusive – Alaia De Santis on making it big in the art world

Exclusive – Alaia De Santis on making it big in the art world

A prime example of the talent, discipline, and patience it takes to become a household name as an artist, Gen Z creative Alaia De Santis shares her advice on how to succeed in the industry. 22-year-old fine arts graduate Alaia de Santis has come a very long way since realising the only means of expressing herself was by turning her ideas into works of art as a teenager. Having been featured...

Thred Daily – How green really is ‘natural’ beauty?

Thred Daily – How green really is ‘natural’ beauty?

Sofia bursts the bubble of beauty brands using buzzwords such as 'natural' or 'organic', and investigates what really goes into the products we put on our bodies, and the effect they have on the environment. Spoiler warning: Clean does not always mean green. Be sure to comment and share this video if you want to see more like it (you’re basically our boss).

By London, UK
The purpose of Documentary | ‘The Biggest Little Farm’ & ‘Apocalypse Cow’ – Review

The purpose of Documentary | ‘The Biggest Little Farm’ & ‘Apocalypse Cow’ – Review

Do documentaries have a responsibility to educate and inspire their viewers? In this review Imogen and Elliot look at two films that tackle one of today’s most contentious and relevant topics: sustainable agriculture. Award winning feature The Biggest Little Farm focuses on one couple’s mission to bring sustainable farming to an arid crop of land in California, whilst George Monbiot’s controversial Apocalypse Cow dives headfirst into the perils of...

By London, UK