Current in Companies

F1 Sponsor under fire for misleading sustainability claims

F1 Sponsor under fire for misleading sustainability claims

Saudi Aramco and the Financial Times have been accused of greenwashing after claims made about sustainable fuels were cast in doubt.  As concerns regarding climate change and environmental sustainability mount, corporations are under increased pressure to embrace and offer green initiatives. But this demand also exacerbates the risk of greenwashing, as the most unsustainable industries exploit consumer interests for their own gain and, ultimately, the planet’s detriment. The latest company to face...

By Brighton, UK
Miami Seaquarium faces eviction over animal neglect investigations

Miami Seaquarium faces eviction over animal neglect investigations

Following the tragic death of an orca whale named Lolita, the welfare of animals kept in the Florida Seaquarium has come under intense scrutiny. Now, it appears the site will be forced to close for good. It’s a big day for animal rights. After almost 70 years, the Seaquarium in Miami, Florida could be forced to close for good. The US Department of Agriculture has been pushing for the site’s closure...

By London, UK
German startup makes biodegradable tampons from seaweed

German startup makes biodegradable tampons from seaweed

Plastic period products are the fifth most common source of waste washing up on beaches across Europe. Seeking to tackle this is Vyld, by utilising one of the planet’s greatest untapped resources. Although disposable tampons and pads are extremely commonplace, 80 per cent of women don’t realise that the majority of their period products aren’t made with compostable materials. In fact, given that manufacturers aren’t usually required to...

By London, UK
Slovakia is turning old cigarette butts into asphalt roads

Slovakia is turning old cigarette butts into asphalt roads

Around Bratislava, containers specially designed for cigarette butts have been set up by the local council. Once full, their contents are being upcycled into asphalt roads, preventing tons of chemicals and plastic waste from entering the natural environment. Every day, a whopping 18 billion cigarette butts are thrown away. Over a single year, that amounts to more than six trillion cigarettes – but only one-third of these will be properly...

By London, UK