Current in Hustle

Everything you need to know about going freelance

Everything you need to know about going freelance

More young people today are interested in going self-employed than ever before, but it’s not quite as simple as quitting your day job and lugging a laptop to Starbucks. Here’s a rundown of the essentials you need to know. Say you haven’t had an existential crisis over the few years and we’ll call you a liar. Left to our own devices throughout the majority of the pandemic, there’s been little else...

By London, UK
Question – How can I get the most out of my first day at work?

Question – How can I get the most out of my first day at work?

Bagged a new job and heading in for your first day? Here are a few tips on enjoying yourself and making the most of the experience from our career coach. Question: What are your top tips for getting the most out of your first day in a new job? Olivia, Manchester First days can be daunting, especially if you’re young and haven’t spent much time in the workplace yet. Some tips apply...

By Oxford, UK