Current in Entrepreneurship

Meet Lavinya Stennett: 23 years old and tackling Britain’s racial education

Meet Lavinya Stennett: 23 years old and tackling Britain’s racial education

At only 23-years-old, Lavinya Stennett is the CEO of The Black Curriculum, a new initiative that’s fighting to improve teaching of Black British history and culture. If you grew up in the UK like I did, then you might feel that your formal education on Black British history was somewhat lacking. Aside from a surface level rendition of the slave trade’s abolition, very little in-depth discussion of Black rights or...

By London, UK
How Cole Bennett became the Gen Z director of hip hop

How Cole Bennett became the Gen Z director of hip hop

Cole’s YouTube channel and home grown brand ‘Lyrical Lemonade’ has become synonymous with top tier music video quality – and he’s only 23. When Eminem first dropped the video to his recent single ‘Godzilla’, many were surprised to see it wasn’t posted by VEVO, the typical outlet for top tier pop stars. It was instead released by Lyrical Lemonade, the hip hop music video channel that’s celebrated by avid fans...

By London, UK
Building a fashion empire at 21, meet Tisloh Danboyi

Building a fashion empire at 21, meet Tisloh Danboyi

Tisloh Danboyi is the highly talented 21-year-old British med student with an incredibly relaxed approach to breaking into an industry renowned for its chaotic nature.  On the verge of becoming the next big thing in British menswear, Tisloh Danboyi’s professional relationship with fashion is somewhat unconventional compared to that of other young designers. His decision to also pursue a career in medicine which, alongside fashion is typically wrought with high...

By London, UK
Exclusive – Where are all the female music producers?

Exclusive – Where are all the female music producers?

Balancing festival lineups is all well and good, but the music industry can't champion equality until it properly represents female producers. The music industry as a whole, like many other professions, has always been inherently male dominated and no more so that at the mixing desk. Eight years ago, if you typed ‘female producers’ into Google, just one name would come up – Linda Perry – and today’s results...

By London, UK