Current in Hustle

Question – Should I mention school achievements on my CV?

Question – Should I mention school achievements on my CV?

Wondering whether it’s worth mentioning your extra-curricular activities on job applications? Our career coach has some advice that could help. Question: Should I actually mention school achievements like Swimming Team Captain on my CV, or does it make me seem childish?  - Saanvi, New Delhi School Swimming Team Captain is a great achievement and could have a place on a CV, depending on where you are in life. If you’ve only...

By Oxford, UK
Study shows Gen Z hide interests to seem cooler when dating

Study shows Gen Z hide interests to seem cooler when dating

Research from Candy Crush Saga reveals that young people have concealed an interest from a date in fear of being judged. Dating can be hard, especially when you feel the need to hide your true self. Last year, half of Gen Zers admitted to hiding their true personality when away from social media, and a new study found that the same goes for your hobbies when seeing someone. A survey...

By London, UK
Study shows Gen Z less likely to discuss money worries

Study shows Gen Z less likely to discuss money worries

Research from Monzo shows young people are most likely to hide money worries when socialising. The cost-of-living crisis has affected many households in the UK. People are cutting back on essentials and prioritising how to spend their cash. One group affected by this are Gen Z. A new survey from digital bank Monzo reveals a surge in young people feeling uncomfortable talking about money. Of the 2,000 adults they asked in the...

By London, UK
Question – How can I improve my routine to be more productive?

Question – How can I improve my routine to be more productive?

Looking to better your morning and night time rituals? Our career coach gives insight into improving your day-to-day behaviours to be a more efficient person. Question: How can I adjust my morning and night routine to get the most out of my working day? Sunarti, Indonesia Sharing morning routines has become a bit of a trope on sites like LinkedIn. But if you can ignore people’s attempts to outdo each...

By Oxford, UK