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Twelve social media accounts to follow ahead of COP 26

Looking to get clued up on all things COP 26 ahead of the big event in Glasgow? Here are a selection of accounts worth following to stay in the loop over the next few weeks.

Forget Glastonbury, Coachella, or any other high-profile event that might be in your calendar.

The year’s biggest talking point for anyone remotely concerned about the environment is COP 26, a pivotal summit in Glasgow to discuss and arrange legislation to tackle climate change.

With proceedings set to go ahead in just a few days, here’s a selection of social media accounts that are worth following to stay involved and informed before it all kicks off. Sir David Attenborough will be envious of your knowledge before you know it (well, not really, but you get the gist).

@COP26 (Twitter)

It’s good to get the most obvious one out the way first, eh? I doubt this one needs too much explanation, but COP 26’s Twitter account sends out the latest newsworthy events, moments, and titbits from the summit. You can follow the account here. COP 26 also has an Instagram account which you can view here.

@RebelsAnimal – Animal Rebellion (Twitter)

Animal Rebellion is a non-violent activist group that uses ‘civil disobedience’ to demand a plant-based food system in wealthy nations. As you may have guessed, it is in solidarity with Extinction Rebellion, another disruptive activist group that frequently makes headlines. You can view Animal Rebellion’s Twitter account here.

@theCCCuk – Climate Change Committee (Twitter)

If you’re looking for something a little more formal and diplomatic, you may want to take a glance at the Climate Change Committee, which publishes news on official government strategies with regards to the climate crisis. Its profile includes developments on important legislation and UK climate pledges. You can follow CCC on Twitter here.

@YaleE360 – Yale Environment 360 (Twitter)

Need something that’s not closely tied to state-approved information? Yale Environment 260 is an online magazine based in New Haven that reports on global environment issues. It features plenty of articles on green living, as well as scientific studies on the conditions of our ecosystems. This is a great one to stay firmly in-the-know. Check it out here.

@guardianeco – Guardian Environment (Twitter)

You’ve likely read many Guardian articles before. The publication makes climate change a huge focus in its journalism across the board, so this dedicated Twitter account makes sense given its huge output. For breaking stories and rapidly developing news, The Guardian is the way to go. It also features interviews with those being affected by the climate crisis. Follow the account here.

@ClimateReality – Climate Reality (Twitter)

Offering a mix of informative news and activist developments, The Climate Reality project is a healthy blend of public outrage and scientific research. Describing itself as a ‘diverse group of passionate individuals’, the project includes cultural leaders, organisers, scientists, and storytellers. Check out the full Twitter page here.

@ClimatePower – Climate Power (Twitter)

Focused on the US, Climate Power is an independent organisation that is raising the profile of the climate crisis with politicians and the public. According to its Twitter profile, Climate Power is working directly with Joe Biden’s administration and is pushing for action to be taken right now. View the official website here and follow Climate Power on Twitter here.

@UNFCCC – UN Climate Change (Twitter & TikTok)

Fancy making a climate centric TikTok dancing to the latest Rico Nasty track? See yourself as the next Addison Rae with the moral compass of Greta Thunberg? Look no further. Kidding aside, the UN has two environment focused social media platforms used to spread awareness about COP 26 and the ways it will impact our lives. Check out the TikTok account here and view the official Twitter page here.

@GeorgeMoniot – George Monbiot (Twitter)

Here’s one to switch things up a bit. George is a journalist and writer whose work is frequently published on The Guardian. He is constantly pushing the good fight for climate change awareness, tackling local and international issues with a persistent focus on the failings of politicians to properly get the ball rolling. View his profile on Twitter here.

@Greenpeace – Greenpeace (Twitter)

One of the more prolific environmental organisations, Greenpeace offers plenty of helpful information on activist causes, scientific studies, and ways you can get involved in climate crisis prevention. It also frequently tweets about company issues like greenwashing and misleading marketing. Check out the Greenpeace Twitter profile here.

@ukscn_london – UKSCN London (Twitter)

Most of the profiles I’ve mentioned so far have been large-scale sources of information, covering everything from local news to international reports. UKSCN London is a little different, however, providing news on city protests by students and teenagers across London. ‘Obeying authority? Can’t relate,’ it says on its bio. Check out the profile here.

@ClimateLive2021 – Climate Live (Twitter)

How about some bangers to get your protesting spirit into gear? Climate Live organises youth-lead climate concerts, which it says ‘engage, educate, and empower young people’. As well as occasional memes and climate stories, Climate Live also lets you know when and where to pick up tickets for live shows and streams. Click here to visit the official Twitter page.
