HBO’s critically acclaimed miniseries, Chernobyl, has sparked a recent influx of social media influencers to the disaster site, and the show’s creators are now advising them to cool it with ‘insensitive’ selfies.
It would seem the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster has become a hotspot for Instagram influencers to snap daring selfies in the wake of HBO’s gripping miniseries Chernobyl.
Shuttle companies around Pryp’yat’ have reported a 40 percent increase in tour requests since the show’s premiere in May, with tourists easily able to book for around $100, and many of those visiting have a very specific goal in mind.
In case you weren’t aware, Chernobyl is a town in the former Soviet republic of Ukraine. In 1986 a nuclear reactor core exploded, sending massive amounts of deadly radiation (400 times that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb) into the air.
The accident necessitated an evacuation of the surrounding area 36 hours after incident, but radiation exposure in this short period led to the deaths of thousands, with some 4000 reported cases of thyroid cancer alone.
Today the radiation has mostly subsided (though there are still hotspots), and the disaster site has become a source of great intrigue for travellers who wish to witness the derelict time capsule for themselves, and that’s completely understandable. However, not everyone who visits Chernobyl is there to pay homage to a landmark event…